If you are seeing some change in your cancer woman’s mood or you are feeling about some things bad happens in life with a cancer woman then a question is arising that how do you know when a cancer woman is over from you?
The answer consisting of some steps.
First, you should figure out whether she is depressed or not? Whether she is having her bad days with her family, friends or lover too? She had passed with bad exams or Job interview.
Related: Know how you can make your Cancer woman Happy with you
If all the above is fine, then maybe the reason is you. So, how you as a man can judge this.
- She will don’t tell you where she is, because she doesn’t want you to have in her life.
- Due to Emotive nature, when she lost interest in you, she doesn’t give you that attention as she used to give you.
- You should ask her directly why she is so Rude to you?
If she gives you the Reason why she has lost interest in your Love or Friendship, then you should start a debate with her and convinced her that you will become the change and get rid of those things which she doesn’t like.
Due to her Kind and emotive nature, she will give you a chance to change. If you give up bad habits, then chances are she will come back to you.
Read more about how a Cancer woman can forgive you easily
But remember sometimes, with the passage of time your cancer woman meets with other people and she started becoming friends with other people who are funnier, more skillful and more attractive than you.
Then all her attention is going towards them and it is not your fault but Nature’s fault. What should now do? It is your duty to let her go because nothing is greater than self-respect.
So, if you think all is going well and she just has started some fuzzy drama then you should leave her, if she truly likes you, she will return to you with more intense Love or Friendship.
Cancer woman is basically not Cheap or Flirty by the way. Yes, but they make a priority to those whom they like.
Now the Question is again have she committed with you, Married with you or something else?
Related: What it is Like to date a Cancer Woman?
If the Answer is Committed, then you should argue her and keep remembering her all the things, all promises you both have made together. It is her duty to satisfy you (Means, Clear Everything).
If the Answer is Married, then you should take legal options, if you think you didn’t do anything illegal or bad to her, it is all your Right to bring her all the answers of your questions. After that, you can decide what you should do next.
Okay, if the answer is just good friends with open Relationship, then you don’t take it too personally and let her go without knowing the Reason.
Read More about when a Cancer woman is done with you
I have collected all the stuff and from some Relationship Books and Astrology Forums. Hope you like it.

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