Water is the Element of Scorpio Zodiac Sign and the ruling planets are Mars and Pluto. Scorpios are Physical and Mentally Strong People. They know how to perform a Specific task and try all the possible outcomes with willingly. So, by keeping their Element and Planets in mind which Stone is Lucky for Scorpio?
There is not just one Stone, but there are Several Stones that are lucky for Scorpio Man and Some Gemstone are Lucky for Scorpio Woman. Technically, Astrologers recommend Birth Stones according to their Birth chart of a Person.
Some Common Lucky Stones for Scorpios are Topaz, Citrine, Sapphire, and Moonga (For Moon Sign).
Usually, Indian Native believes more than anyone in the World in Astrology.
How a Gemstone can give you Energy?
This is the main question for all Scorpio and 11 other Zodiac Signs.
Well, these Gemstones have some hidden Rays in it, When the Stone touches with your Body, like with your hand, then all the Positive Energies revolving around you related to any Particle Gemstone you wearing attracts that Energy and absorbs that Energy in You.
You can easily understand by Imagining how that natural Sun Rays can benefit you and Human-generated Rays X Rays too for Human. Same as there are some Rays related to these Stones too can benefits you.
So, there is a Linkage between these Gemstones with Planets and when you born under these Planets Signs, you also interlink between them.
Which Stone is Lucky for Scorpio Man?
The best Gemstone lucky for Scorpio Man is TOPAZ. There are other Lucky Gemstone too for Zodiac Sign Scorpio are Aquamarine, opal, and Beryl too. You should Consult your native Astrologer before wearing these Stone. But Topaz can be worn by all Scorpio men regardless of their Birth chart.
Topaz is derived from French word Topace which means Bright or Glossy. According to research, this Gemstone was first derived from the Red Sea. Some People call it Topaz Crystal too.

So, the People Born in November Like Scorpio, especially Scorpio man can Wear Yellow Topaz whereas there is another Blue Topaz which can be worn by People born in December.
When you wear Topaz, it helps you to gain energy from Sagittarius’s Ruling Planet Pluto and gives Energy to you. This Gemstone can make you Rich too if you do Hard work, further it can also help you to make Smart Decisions. So, this Yellow Gemstone Topaz is best for Scorpio Man.
Which Gemstone is Lucky for Scorpio Woman?
For Scorpio woman, the Yellow Citrine Gemstone is best and Lucky for them. It will help you to think Positive in different aspect of life and makes you help in your Professional and Personal Life too.
This Gemstone possesses Positive Energy so when a Scorpio Girl wears this Critine Stone, it will boost her Self Confidence by reducing Depression and helps her in growing her Psychic Health too. It is Lucky Gemstone for Scorpio woman too.
Some Astrologers have named this Stone a “Success Stone” too.
So, Topaz for Scorpio man and Critine for Scorpio Woman is best among all. A Woman or Man Born in Number should wear these Crystal-like Gemstones for Better Psychic Health.
I have found this information from Internet Surfing and most of the information from this Site: Lucky Gemstone for Scorpio
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