Cancers are Calm but moody in Nature. When it comes to Cancer women, due to feminine nature cancer women are moodier than cancer men and when a cancer woman is done with you, you can easily see in their behavior.
Sometimes they all need is time and space for herself. It usually depends on age too.
If a cancer woman is Mature and knows how to settle their things first, then maybe she is not done with you, but she is really obsessed with her work and can’t give you that much attention as she used to give you.
So, it is your duty to find out her working schedule and ask her to give you a valid reason before taking any step. You can simply ask her about Working or Studying Schedule.
If she really wants to dumb you then there is no chance of getting her back, because she has waited a lot before taking this step. Usually, cancer women are emotionally unstable, but they don’t take decisions during Hard times. They need time to take big steps.
They have found some flaws in you and maybe she also teases you to get rid of those things, but you take it for granted and are now thinking she is going to dumb you.
Related: Read about attracting a Cancer Woman
So, never ever take things easily in relationship with cancer woman.
Related: How to deal with a moody Cancer Woman?
Further, if a cancer woman is an immature girl than chances are, she only thinks with her heart but not by mind. Some women are mature by age but not by mind. So, if you are quite mature to judge her then you could understand what is happening in her mind.
So, usually, amateur cancer girls usually don’t take seriously relations, and in the end, they do break up without any solid reason. So, you should be aware of, before falling too deep in her Love.
One more thing about a cancer woman is that they are a good listener but not a good teller, but in the core heart she wanted that someone understands their silence and bring back her smile and ask her what are you hiding dear? Why you are so silent these days? Where is your Laughter?
If you as a friend understand her in this manner, then she will never be going to dump you nor ever think of done with you.
Read Secrets about how to make a Cancer Woman to Forgive you.
Cancer women like humor than wealth. If you are wealthy but your sense of humor is zero then they will put you in the dumb list, but if you are not wealthy and trying to do best in your life and have a great sense of humor then congratulations you are in her Love life.
There are plenty of ways to increase your Intellectual level like reading books, avoid toxic conversations and attend motivation sessions. So, if you work hard and smart on yourself then no one including cancer girl could dumb you away.
Just try an experiment: Bring your girl to a party and don’t give her attention as you give her. She suddenly smells that and goes back to her place without telling you before leaving, because she always needs admiration.

So, this is how a cancer woman act when she doesn’t want your hand anymore and vice versa if you act like a gentleman and follow above instructions then chances are, she will never leave you.
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