Breaking up with a Man is not easy when he used to love and want to spend whole life with you. But as you know “Nothing Last Forever”. Maybe he has changed his mind, or he changed his Life Vision. Whatever the Consequences were, you are here for knowing about the Signs a Capricorn Man wants to Break up with you.
Well, the breakup is not an easy task to do, it will feed you with Sorrows, disappointments and Sometimes with Depression too, and it is more difficult to know about an Earth sign Capricorn because he is Conservative, Shy and doesn’t want to Spoil his Character.
But he is Smart enough to Play some Trick, so you will leave automatically from his Life.
So, these are some of the things a Capricorn Man does when he is fed up with you and wants Breakup or Space from you. But First, you shouldn’t be a Blindfolded Girl, who is mad in his Love. You should accept and see those Red Flags he is Planting to break up with you.
Table of Contents
Calling and Texting:
In Relationships, the First thing a Couple does is Calling and Texting each other without thinking about Time. If he does the same, it means he used to call or text you Regularly but now he isn’t doing the same. Then this can be the first Sign your Capricorn man wants to Breakup with you.
He Makes Plan and Avoids:
The First thing he will become too Reserved from you when you need him, he says, “I am not at home”. He makes Plan and suddenly cancel it without telling a Solid Reason.
Why he does this? Because in his Inner Self he wants you to realize that he doesn’t want your Company anymore.
But you shouldn’t be too Judgmental. Maybe he is Busy in Reality too. But if it happens often, then this Alarming and you should avoid meeting him and Prepare yourself for the detention of Breakup with him.
You can confirm this by Tracing him where he is Right now, and then call him, “Where are you”. If he tells a lie, then you should know the Rest.
Your Conversation:
At some instant, you meet with him and observe his Behavior of Conversation.
Is he remains the same while talking? or you feel some bearish behavior while he is talking? See how much he is responding to you when you start any Topic.
Another way just talks to him about Future Life Plans, how you both will live in the Same small house, talk about children if you fell him annoying and guilty, then maybe your Capricorn Guy is planning to break up with you.
Change of Behavior with Other Girls:
Just check out his behavior with other Girls, if he flirts with other girls or not, in front of you? He can Pretend to cheat on you. Here are some of the Cheating Signs you can observe in a Capricorn Man when he is likely to deceive you.
If sometimes, he texts you and talk about other girls and wants you to make angry, so he gets a chance to call you Conservative and Aggressive, then these are clear signs your guy want to lose you as soon as possible.
His Friends about Breakup:
The best way to find out if someone is Planning to dumb you is to try to contact his close Friends.
A Capricorn guy shares all his Feelings to the one, who is closer to him, and if you manage to contact his Friends than possibly hi Friend or Friends can tell you something, he is hiding from you.
Sometimes a Capricorn Guy gives the task to his Friend to make him Free from his Girlfriend because he doesn’t want to be blamed for dumping you, so his Friend can be the best source to find out what’s going on.
Girls you don’t Like:
A Cardinal Capricorn Guy is Stubborn, maybe in the initial days, you share with him that you don’t like this Girl or Girls, and he is best at memorizing things, so, by taking advantage he can approach that girl to make you feel jealous.
This is not the ethical approach, but a Capricorn guy can do this for Breakup with you, and this can be the Perfect sign he doesn’t need you anymore.
Direct Call:
If he has done all the things and you didn’t get any Clue then he can directly tell you, “I want to do Break up”.
Possibly he will tell you many times, but you don’t notice him, because you were thinking, he is angry at that time.
Tiny Solution:
Here we have only discussed how a Capricorn man behaves when he wants separation from you.
But what happened? So that he decides to do Breakup is not discussed. So, you can Reverse all this by Asking him, and avoid these things he doesn’t like. If nothing is going well between both of you then there is no problem to find your separate way.
I have taken this Information by Surfing the Internet and I found these Links Helpful while creating this Piece of Content:

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