Aries is a Cardinal Fire Sign having Mars as a Ruling Planet. Like their fellow Fire Signs Leo and Sagittarius, they want to become a True Leader with abilities to solve problems and Confident about their Decisions.
Meanwhile, due to the Element of Fire in them, sometimes they become too Aggressive and Hawkish. While like Everyone else, they need someone, who fulfills their needs when they are desperate and Broken so other fellow Fire Signs are best for them.
According to Astrologers, wearing a Gemstone that is best for Aries can enhance their Productivity of work, their Spiritual Power and their way of Living too if they handle themselves properly.
So, in this Piece of Article, we will discuss Gemstones in the Light of Western and Vedic Astrology for Aries Man and Woman and discuss why these Gemstones can help a Human Body.
Table of Contents
Gemstones for Aries in the Light of Western Astrology
According to Western Astrology, selecting Best Gemstone for any Zodiac Sign is based on Planetary Positions with different Astrological Aspects.
So, after looking at their Birth chart, Ruling Planet Mars, their Cardinal Season and Element of Fire in them, the best and lucky Birth Gemstones for Aries who are Born in March is Bloodstone where Diamond is best for Aries Natives who are Born in April.
Bloodstone color is Red, and Astrologers believes Red is the Lucky color of Aries born People. The Primary benefit of Bloodstone is that it clarifies Blood and helps in Stimulating blood Circulation in Body.
Other benefits include the removal of negative Environmental energy and help in decreasing Stress (both Physically and Mentally).
Diamond is the Second Gemstone for Aries People, especially born in April. It improves the Physical energy of a body and performs as a Catalyst for intensifying Motivation in all aspects of life.
Moreover, both Aries Man and Woman can wear these Gemstones.
Whereas later we will discuss further Customized Gemstones for only Aries Man and Aries Woman only.
Gemstones for Aries in the Light of Vedic Astrology
Vedic Astrology is an Ancient Astrology that beliefs in dates rather than Month.
Moreover, Astrologers believe that Vedic Astrology depends on Elements, Ruling Planet, Month, Date, Time and even Place of Birth too.
So, Let Suppose if two Aries born under March – April period at the same time but on two different Places. So, their Natal chart will be different, because of the Place.
Similarly, if two Aries born at Same Place but the time difference is just 1 Minute then they will Suggest different Gemstone for both.
So, it cannot be easily defined which Stone is better for Aries in the Light of Vedic Astrology. If you believe in Vedic Astrology, then you should have to consult your nearer Astrologers.
Where Western Astrology is best because it makes easier for Everyone to Pick up their Gemstone.
Lucky Gemstones for Aries Man
There are some other Gemstones that are best only for Aries Man are Topaz, Jasper, and Sapphire.
When an Aries Man wears any of these Stones, then because of Ruling Planet Mars, these stones soak energies and helps in increasing Internal Energy and Wisdom.
Lucky Gemstones for Aries Woman
Like Aries man, there are some other Gemstones which are best and Lucky for Aries Girls only. According to Astrologers the Lucky Stones for Aries Women are Aquamarine and Diamond.
Aquamarine is a Sea-Water Stone which helps for Fire-Element Aries Woman and helps in avoiding Conflicts, Healing, Stress, bring Peace in Life, make your Heart Calm, make your mind Cool and helps in speaking the Truth.
How does Gemstone Help?
The First thing you should keep in mind is that no Gemstone can heal you or helps you until you don’t want to be healed or Helped. Hard work is necessary then these things will work for You.
You should understand that Gemstone works as a Catalyst to Solve your problems, not as a Primary Source for Solving your Problems.
Okay, to Understand the Answer, how do Gemstone help an Aries. So, you must Understand this Example:
In our world, there are thousands of Rays out there like Sun Rays or Electromagnetic Rays. You can feel Heat of Sun Rays but can’t see it and these Sun Rays can be converted into Solar Energy which generates Electricity.
Similarly, there are thousands of Rays out there that are associated with different planets and each ray can be attracted to Specific Gemstones.
So, Aries ruling Planet is Mars so when an Aries wears Gemstones like Bloodstone or Diamond then these Stones Soaks that Positive Energy and because an Aries Wearing that Stone, then all the Positive Energy is soaked by Aries too which helps them in different Parts of Life.
That’s why selecting a Gemstone is Important thing.
Moreover, you can wear more than One Gemstone at a Time.
Reference: I have taken Help from this Site and from Internet Surfing.

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