Forgetting is the worst Part of any Relationship you have been so far. Whether your Loved one is your Best Friend or your Loved one is your Soul Partner. So, the question is How to Forget someone you love deeply by Heart? The Answer is consisting of some steps.
Following these steps, you are able to Forget your Past Love and probably will never get Hurt after having another Relationship in the Future.
Table of Contents
One – Erasing Memory After Breakup
The First Step you should take after your Breakup is to forget and erase all his/her memory from your Regular usage of things.
Remove from Social Media
Today, Social Media is the best way to communicate with your friends and with your Loved ones. Our Mission is to forget our Ex. So, you have to block your Ex on all your Social Media Accounts.
I know it is difficult to break all tiny Connections with your Lover but it is crucial for you because whenever you will see him enjoying his Holidays with his/her Friends you will get Frustrated and this will reminding you all the memories which spent with your Ex.

So, Block on Immediate Basis is the First Step.
One more thing. You should also Block his/her Mobile Number and Block his/her Email Address too. There should be not a Single Gateway from where your Ex’s Memories will Enter.
Removing Pictures
Okay, I am wondering that you have Completed the First step Now its time for Removing your Ex Pictures or Someone whom you want to forget.
Why it is Important to Remove Pictures of Someone you want to Forget? The Answer is Simple. When you see him/her Pictures you will become Santy and again all the Cycle of Past will pass through your mind and this will keep you Sad and you won’t forget easily.
I know is Harder to Remove all the Pictures, but it is necessary.

When your mind is not giving you permission about deleting these Pics then you should ask your Conscious that will you want to remain sad all the time or Just a Single Time while deleting those Pics? I am pretty sure you will get your Answer.
One more thing you have to tear up his/her Physical Pictures along with Digital Pictures.
Just Tear up or Burn these Pictures. Believe me, after Burning those Pictures or Letters you will feel Calm and satisfied.
About Gift Stuff
Okay. Now you have completed the Second Step successfully and I am sure you are now Becoming More Satisfying Like never. Am I Right?
I am Assuming your Ex has given you some Gifts too which you have kept till now. And, I am assuming that your Partner has deceived you.
What should be done to the Gifts? It depends on how much you are Angry on Him. If you think that’s gift will not affect you Anymore so it’s okay, you can keep these.

But if you are really hurt and want Satisfaction then you should take a Long Breath and Break his/her Gifts and send to his/her address by a delivery Boy.
And Finally, you are just wanting to get rid of your Ex Memories then pack it up and give it to any Charity Home or Leave them outside your house.
Forget His or Her Street
Now the Last part about forgetting his/her memories is to forget their Street too. Yes, you should not go to the Street where he/she uses to live.

You must Cut off Proper in order to forget whom you love by Heart.
After applying these 4 techniques you are able to forget your Ex Memories soon.
Two – Self Help
Now you are completely out of this hectic situation of missing your Loved One. Now its time for you to help yourself.
So, now the question is How to get back to Life after Breakup?
You have to apply these things in your life to get back as soon as Possible
Daily Routine
Set Your Daily Routine First.
So, How to Set Daily Routine effectively?
I am starting from Morning to Night
- First, you have to Wake up Early in the Moring before Sun Rises.
- After Waking up, don’t see your Mobile Phone instead you should see outside your window and take a Long Breath.
- Now do some Exercise and do Jogging in the Park’s Jogging Track, not along the Roadside. When you inhale fresh air from the Plants and Trees in the morning, I bet your mood will be satisfied and you will feel Energy within.
- You can also do Meditation in the morning.
- Now after returning Home do plan for 3 Positive things you should do in a whole day. Whether it is related to business, study or anything. Why you should do this? Because it will keep you on track whole day and will provide Positive energy after completion of Task. Don’t take it too seriously if you failed to do so. It will take time to be on Routine.
- You should take a Healthy rich Protein food rather than Taking Fats.
- In the evening, especially after Lunch take a rest of about half-hour and after that do whatever you are doing.
- You can meet up with your Friends or Family after your Studies or Work. This will give you Inner Happiness.
- Finally, before Sleeping, you should read 2 to 3 pages of any book which makes you motivated.

One more thing. Spend your weekends with your Family and Friends and do as much enjoyment as you can.
Physical Activity is the Key Part
As I have mentioned earlier Exercise is really matter a lot for Self Help.
Whether you are a Teenager or Adult you should take care of yourself and should involve in Physical activities like Swimming, playing Football, Tennis or Cycling (depending upon your Interest).

One of the old sayings is, “Healthier body has healthier Mind.”
If you don’t make your Mind strong how you can forget someone you loved. So, making yourself healthy physically and mentally is the keen task of SELF HELP.
PRO TIP: Did you know? No one will dump you if you are Successful. If you set your daily routine effectively then one day you will become successful and the rate of dumping will become quite low for you.
Motivation Sessions
Now, I am thinking you are doing well but sometimes you got disappointed what is going on in Life. So here you will need some help from Experts.
You should Join some motivation sessions near You. I don’t know where you are reading this article. But if you are from the United States then you just type in Google Motivation Sessions near me it will give you a list of sessions whom you can Join and discuss your problem over there.

Work on Physical Appearance
Now you are becoming Fine day by day so you should also work on your physical appearance too.
Why Physical Appearance is necessary?
- First Impression is the Last Impression. If you look good, then you will be admired in a social gathering. I know someone was thinking Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook uses to wear the same dress from the last 10 years. Yes, because he is a Celebrity now, he doesn’t need to be admired.
- Physically attracted People always attract other People easily.
- When you are being liked by other people, it will boost your Confidence level and soon you are building a new relationship with others and this will help you out to forget your Ex easily.

Three – Leaving Ex behind and Move on
It’s time to move one step forward because you have completely forgotten your ex whom you love the most and you are doing well to Groom yourself.
Now you should do these things too in order to make your Life Successful and Wonderful.
Set Goals to Achieve
Without any achievement in life, there is no reason for living. You should set some goals which have to achieve in a span of some time. Maybe it can be months, year or a decade.

You should work hard and smart to accomplish these goals.
Don’t expect too much in Future
You are here because you want to forget someone you like the most in your life. So, now onwards, you shouldn’t expect too much from anyone, because when expectations break, you will also break.

Make Rules in life and one of the rules should be not to expect too much.
Accept your Fear and Move on
Have you ever listened that Life is not a bed of Roses? Yes, it is true.
You should accept what happened in your life and move on.

Not all five fingers are the same. When you found someone who understands you, who cares for you then you should also give the same to him/her but don’t expect too much it will cost you if something bad happens.
You should Live in Present
Last but not least you should enjoy your life because Life is too short.
Don’t make it fuzzy. Do stunning things and explore the world.
Forget Past, Enjoy Present, Work for Future.

If you are not getting helped after applying these all technique, then you should take help from your Teacher, your Mentor, your Family member or form good Psychiatrist near your Town and discuss all the matter.
Thanks for Reading.
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