Texting to your Friend, Crush or Anyone whom you love is the best Feelings you enjoy the most. Especially when you are waiting for a Message, Call or Greetings from your Sagittarius Guy. And now when a Sagittarius Man stops Texting you as he used to do, and you are craved for his Message, but he is not doing it.
So, from the Last few days, the rate of his Calls or Messages is drastically declining, and you have no clue why it is happening and your curiosity of knowing, is increasing exponentially.
Although there are Thousands of Possibilities of a Sagittarius Man. Why he doesn’t text you and you can find Possible Solutions to get to know and make him Text you again.
You got Notification on your Mobile, Laptop or in your Emails, and you suddenly think of him. But he was not there, and your dedicated inbox is Empty from the last few days, weeks or even months. So, what happened to him?
The Mutable Sign Sagittarius has the Element of Fire in them, which means they have some Aggressive Nature and Stubborn too. So, are you wondering about will he come back or not again?
So, when a Sagittarius Man stops Texting you, there would be some of these reasons behind this, Like you hurt him, he doesn’t like you anymore, he is busy these days, or maybe he is going through his worst days.
Moreover, you should don’t make a Panic when he is texting you 20 times a day, and now he has fallen this Ratio to its Half or even Forth, which means 5 times a day. Although time wouldn’t remain the same throughout Life.
Where, Conversation, even it is short, is necessary for making a Healthy Relationship, especially when you both have Long-distance Relationship and it is Unreliable if he is not Responding to you or becomes Silent suddenly. This feeling is Unbearable.
Well, there is not a direct Connection of Zodiac Sign with Texting or Not. While almost every man can have some of these feelings or Reason for not texting you.
There is the top 5 Reason a Sagittarius Man stops texting you which are:

Table of Contents
Existing Relationship is New:
The First Reason could be your new Relationship. Why? Because when you fall in Love with any Sagittarius Guy, you both feel Excited, Thrilled and Electrified, and both text each other with no limits.
But now, one of them, like your Sagittarius Guy stops Texting you or limit his Texting. So, if he texts you often then it could be okay, because you both have done a lot of Conversation and there is a Limit of Everything, and your Sagittarius Guy got this Point.
In your Early Phase, you both have really enjoyed a lot, and it is Ok if you both are newly Couple. With overtime, one can Feel useless in spending too much time on Texting. Sagittarius Man is a Career Oriented guy, and he knows his Limitations.
So, if he doesn’t text you, then maybe his Excitement is slow down, not his love, affection or attraction towards you and he chooses to become normal and plan to not Over Texting.
According to Elite Daily Blog: “Texting your Loved one is keenly dependent upon the nature of Work, your partner is doing, it is important to look after on all his Routine and overall his Pattern of Work”
Where, if he doesn’t text you within 24 to 48 hours, but after that, he starts a decent conversation, then it is all okay, you should understand his Priorities.
So, you should focus on other things too like:
- Is he Missed your Birthday?
- You feel Secure and Comfortable with him when you meet?
- He is Slow at texting, but is he Still give you more time than his Friends, Family?
If you got Answer to these questions in “Yes”, then you shouldn’t care too much and understand his behavior of Work-Life and Love Life, separately.
His Life Got Busier:
Before Pressing the Red Anger button in your mind and started creating Panic, you should ask yourself first and then your Sagittarius Man that:
- Has he got any Promotion?
- Maybe, He has got any new Project to do, and Possibly he is Remote Area now?
- He is having Exams Right Now?
- Has his Family Members are Fine? He is Fine or Not?
So, the above questions can be your Answers about why he is not giving you Reply, or limit Texting.
Where, you can add multiple Questions to the above list, depending upon the nature of work, your Sagittarius guy is doing these days.
So, you shouldn’t care about too much. Just chill out and Work on yourself rather than taking tension about him. He is not going anywhere.
Other ways you can observe him is by seeing his Behavior with other People, if you have enough time and he is living near you, then you can meet him and see his behavior.
If you feel something different ask him, probably he will tell you all his worries. There is no shame in asking Silly questions, after all, you are his best choice!
Although Guys think on one Stage of Life, “Relaxing is better than having a Conversation”. So, there is no way to worry about if your Sagittarius Guy chooses Relaxing in his Spare time rather than Conversation.
And, he will simply say, “No dear! I am not Busy, but I don’t want to talk with you, and there is no flappy Situation here nor you are the reason behind this”. So, if it could be the Sign and Reason, he is not texting you Right Now.
Existing Relationship Flaws:
Well, we are Human and we all are Statue of Sins, but we always defend ourselves and offense someone else. Similarly, we Forgive our biggest Mistakes but when comes to others, we can’t Forgive their Single tiny Mistake.
Same as in Relationship. Usually, Sagittarius Guy is Stubborn, and this is his Flaw, even he made a mistake, but he wouldn’t admit it unless a group of People made him Realize. Where, on the other side, maybe you have done something wrong.
Where, on the Flipside, you both Mutually have done something unfair in Relationship. That’s why he is not texting you, nor you are texting him back. Maybe the reason behind his Lack of Texting is that he has lost (a part of Feeling) interest in you.
So, you should look at your Previous Conversation or behavior. It is Uncommon among the couple and this problem can be solved by sharing thoughts you both don’t like.
If he doesn’t reply to you, then you can ask from his closer Friend, his Sister or from his Brother too, and you can make one of his Sibling a Mediator while fixing up your Relation.
The Simplest Solution is to that, you should talk about your concerns regarding him, and ask him and if he satisfies you, then you shouldn’t bother him after a few weekends.
Sagittarius Men are bad at Communicating:
Although they are not bad at all Stages, in Relationships, they can be bad.
According to the Study, Women use around 30,000 words per day and Men use 10,000. It means men Speak 1 Word and Women speak 3 Words.
So, when they are in Relationship, both accelerate their way of Speaking to mild each other. But after some time, due to Men’s behavior, he is running out of his words, and she is thinking, “He is not texting me anymore”.
And, things started fading. So, possibly one of the Signs is that your Sagittarius Man is not a good communicator at all.
Smashing His Trust:
Sagittarius Guys are Straight Forward People, if he says, “I want an Open Relationship”. Then he doesn’t need any Loyalty. But if he says he wants Loyalty and doesn’t want to be opened, then you shouldn’t deceive him.
If he finds you talking to anyone secretly, then your Relationship will never become Strong. Because “Stronger the Trust will lead to Strongest Relationship”.
So, maybe you break his Trust in any way, that’s why he is not texting you anymore. If you think you have done nothing wrong, just argue him with valid answers.
Your Ego Hurts him:
Sagittarius guys have a great sense of Humor. They need you and want respect from you. So, you shoudn’t ever dare to hurt his Ego.
Moreover, it is not an Ego Problem. They care for their Self Respect, and they require a Relationship on equality basis.
So, you should Audit yourself. If he is Busy and you keep telling him to hang out with you, and when he denies going, you started disappointing, etc.
The revival of Texting of Sagittarius Man:
So, now you have pretty much knowledge about Sagittarius guy, why he is not texting you. So, it is up to you, whether you want him in your life again or not?
But If you want him, you can address your problem with him. Further, you can apply these Tricks to him like:
Stay Cool and Resist yourself: First, you should not bother him like hell. Stay cool just does the message and wait for him, and don’t text him even you are dying of Reply. Sometimes a Sagittarius Guy itself becomes normal, without wheedling him.
To the Point Talk: If it is necessary to talk to him, then you can text him and ask your related query. If he talks to you then you should otherwise give him again time.
Short Messages: While texting your Sagittarius Man. If you feel anything wrong then just text him first with a Sorry Note and wait for it. You shouldn’t stick him like chewing gum.
Note: This is a Generally thought about him, otherwise you know better about his Habits and Nature, so you can try your own Recipe too if above didn’t work.
Best of Luck!
Extra Tip: Read about Secret Tips about Getting a Sagittarius Man to Chase you Like Hell and Make him Missing You, Daily!
So, I have written this Article by Internet surfing and I have taken some inspiration from these links too: Elite Daily and Good Men Project.
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