Scorpio is a Fixed Water Sign and Capricorn is a Cardinal Earth Sign. So, what does Scorpio Man like about Capricorn Woman so far? To understand this, you must Understand the Concept of Astrology, after that you can see things, a Scorpion Native desires to have in her Dream Girl.
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Relation Between a Scorpio Water Sign and Capricorn Earth Sign:
According to Astrologers, The Relation between the two is Strong and Beneficial for both. As you know that Scorpio Man has the Element of Water in them where Capricorn Woman has Earth as an Element in them.
So, Generally, Earth and Water are Compatible and eventually made for each other, You can think Rain (as a Water) and Plants (that grows in Earth) as an example to understand. Without Water, Plants can never be grown on Earth.
Another example, if you sock Water from Earth, then Earth will become dry and due to Sun heat, it will become just a place where no one wants to live in. Where Earth Soaks Water and provide Shelter for Water too for flowing, Drilling and for Drinking too.
So, that’s the basic Concept of Compatibility between Scorpio Man and Capricorn Woman. So, we have reached on this condition that both Zodiac Signs are best for each other in terms of Astrology and there are other things too which Scorpio Man likes in a Woman for Survival of Life.

Understanding the Scorpio Man:
The First thing a Scorpio Man likes in a Capricorn Woman is her ways of Understanding him. Scorpios are too Hard to Understand, they have Layers of mystery around them and it is too difficult to understand him, but Capricorn Woman is best at knowing things which are hidden from others because she knows how to tackle matters which can’t be seen from eyes.
So, she workout on things, and observe behavior, change and things about her Scorpio Man, and do all the things which he likes the most, and that is the thing a Scorpio Man Likes in a Woman.
The question may arise, how a Scorpio Man can see this behavior in the Capricorn Man without having Relationship with her?
Well, the answer is quite simple, maybe she is his Sister, Mother, Grandmother or even a friend, and he knows their Zodiac Signs and he clearly sees, serving her Mother or Sister to their Loved ones and her Friend is Supportive too.
So, in that way a Scorpio Man likes this Behavior of Understanding of Capricorn Woman the most.
Capricorn Woman Smile:
Well, Every Capricorn girl doesn’t have a Good Smile, but if you have then that’s a bonus point for you. He likes that girl immediately; whose Smile is Shiner than the Moon.
The Reason is that Scorpio man doesn’t like a Big Laughter, due to his Steady Nature, but he likes soft Smile on Face when he looks at you. And if you have that Smile with Understanding behavior too, then he will like you on first Sight.
Cooking Skills of Her:
Evert Guy in this world is a Foody Lover, there is no connection of Zodiac Sign with it.
Indeed, some People believes that “The Road towards a Man’s Heart is going through his Stomach”.
So, usually a Capricorn is a Homey girl, and she knows how to Cook a Delicious dish. When a Capricorn Man sees this in you, he falls in love with you, actually with your Hands and this led him to love you,
Scorpio Guy Hate Fakeness:
Scorpio Man doesn’t tolerate Fakeness, he needs a Loyal girl, and luckily Capricorn Women is among those Women, who knows the Value of Loyalty and Dignity.
Well, if a Scorpio Man figured out your Loyalty then he will like you and want to become his Wife.
One thing you should remember as a Girl, don’t get Physical with any Guy with Marriage.
Her Kindness:
Capricorn Women are too Kind-hearted, she loves to take care of Pets, and whenever she sees some older Person needs help, she will be there for him/her to make him easy.
Moreover, she is very kind to their inferiors when she is Boss. But she doesn’t compromise on Quality of Work. She guides but doesn’t like Lazy People, who don’t have a passion for working, and vice versa, she rewards those who are Passionate.
The Same Fire of being Passionate is present in Scorpio Man too, that’s why he likes this Quality of Capricorn Woman.
A Determined Capricorn Girl:
Capricorn Gill is Focused, Mature and Career Oriented Woman.
When she does any work, she Performs it with full attention, whether it is Home Cooking or Office Work.
Loving and Caring Nature:
Well, who wants a Cruel and Uncaring Girl? So, a Scorpio Man wants that Capricorn girl who posses Loving and Caring Nature, with a good Sense of humor.
Luckily, a Capricorn Woman is a lover of Children and have motherly nature, and a Scorpio guy is fond of this in her.
I wrote this article with the help of Surfing the Internet and I got a lot of information form this site.
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