So, what are the Signs, a Cancer Man wants you and be with you, and is Serious about you?
Continuously, all the people out there have the same thought, whether they don’t waste up their time or getting deceived, or end up with a Broken Heart.
So, clearly, you are here for finding a faithful Cancer Man’s love, not that type of flattering love that expires within weeks.
Before digging some Signs, a Cancer Man is really Serious about you regarding Love, Marriage and has a feeling about you to tell.
Let’s discuss some of the Positive and Negative traits and Characteristics of Cancer Man and take a look at his Zodiac History.
After that, we will discuss 10 Signs about Cancer Guy when he is Interested and Serious about you, if you found those Signs in him, then you can go after him.
Otherwise, you must take aside and think deeply with your mind, or take some consultation from Family, Friends or even take help from some Professional Marriage or Love Consultant.
Cancer Man is a Cardinal Water sign having Moon as a Ruling Planet.
Cancer Men are Kind-Hearted, Responsible, Affectionate, Sympathetic and a Loving Personality, they always think about others than himself First. So, he will surely love his girl and quite Serious about her, if he gets in love with her.
Usually, Cancer Guys are Shy in nature and never Propose First. So, you must look at their Behavior and Signs to get to know about their Seriousness over you.
Where, not all Humans are Angels, so of course there are a lot of bad habits too in Cancer Man like he is Lazy in doing Important work, he gets demotivated easily.
Where, According to Ganesh Speaks Article about Cancer Man Traits “Cancer Men are Creative, Faithful, Charming and Intuitive where at the same time they are Moody, Unpredictable and Suspicious too”.
Okay, now we are discussing some Signs about a Cancer Man when he is deep Serious and Meaningful about you to have in his Life with a Solid Relationship.
Let’s get started.

Table of Contents
Biggest Sign is Transparency
I am pretty sure; you all have already listened about “Action speaks louder than words”.
Now it’s time to find out in your Cancer Man. If he is serious about you, he won’t let his words down, he will do what he said earlier. Further, he will extra stuff to make you happier than before.
So, keep your eyes open and follow his behavior and Match his Actions with Words of Mouth, like:
- Check his Honesty with you, whether he fulfills his Promises or not?
- Is he talk about his Future Plan with you?
- Sometimes, he calls you and says, “You are too important for me, never let go and leave him Alone”.
- The most important thing is he keeps assuring you that he is Single these days.
So, if you have seen these types of transparent Signs in him, then chances are your Cancer guy is diehard curious and serious about you to have you in his life.
Where, if he not opens up, and does conversation normally, then possibly he is not serious in Relationship with you.
Telling His Secrets with You
Okay, the 2nd Sign, you should observe in him is, Telling his core Secrets to you.
Maybe you are wondering why this could be a Sign? Well, for this, you must match other Signs too, like:
- Is he telling Secrets Personally or with a Group of Friends?
- You must check it, whether, he includes his Family Members in his Conversation or not while telling Secrets, or you are the only one?
- Last but not the least, you must check his Secrets is about any other girl or just a Random thought.
So, if he doesn’t include his other Friends, Family nor he doesn’t include clue about any girl in it, then it might be possible he is Interested in you and this could be a Possible sign you shouldn’t miss.
Never Getting Bored is a Sign
One of the most Important Signs about his Seriousness towards you is that he will never get bored while having a conversation with you.
He asks:
- Tons of Questions about you.
- Your Good and Bad Habits.
- Your Problems, you are Facing these days.
And he wants to:
- Listen to your Voice, daily without any gap and listen to you, Carefully.
- Spend time with you.
- Help you in your daily or official work too, if he can.
Literally, he will curious about you, and wants to know each and everything about you.
So, these are the one of those Signs, when you can easily say, “The Cancer Man is Serious about You”.
Giving His Credentials to You
We are living in a Global Village now, here everyone is connected to each other Virtually, you have been followed unintentionally, and you have left too much Footprints on your Social Media, publicly and Privately in Messengers and Drives.
So, what is the Point now?
If he has been truly loved you, then he will find ways to give the Credentials of his Social Media Profiles voluntary to you, for building his Trust in your Eyes.
Now, you must see this trend in him, sometimes, when you both are having a Funny conversation at night, you just ask him to give his Facebook Passwords, and check his Reaction.
Moreover, it is not a Legit Sign neither Ethical too, because sometimes, there are other Officially documents present in those Accounts too.
Treating You Better Than Others
As you know that Cancer guys are Caring and Loving to all those people whom they never met.
So, you can imagine how much they will care about Friends and Family and how much they will care about the one who is his Friend and about to become a Family Member i.e. his Love?
Usually, Cancer guys makes a List and give Attention Priority wise.
For Example:
- A stranger asks for help; he will do it if he as Time and Resources.
- Any Friends want Help; he will help him even if has no Time but have Recourses.
- Now, it’s the time for his Loved One; he will bail you out at any cost, even if he has no Time nor Recourses.
That’s how he cares for his lover.
So, after passing time, you can notice these habits in him and if he gives you more Importance than others, then this is the Legit Sign, your Cancer Man is quite serious about you.
Where, I have found this article about Treating & Respecting a girl in Relationship is really helpful, regarding this sign.
Your Opinion Matters for Him
Well, everyone should have taken Opinion from those who have Experienced about that Particular Field and has given time to this Field.
Where, we are here talking about some Casual Opinions like:
- He is having a problem in selecting a gift for his Mom, then he calls you and takes advice from you or pick up and opt gift, according to your choice for his respectable Mom.
- Your Cancer man is in Stress, and he calls you for asking Advise and then he sticks to it.
- Sometimes, your habits can disturb your Partner, and that’s how she is having a problem with one of your Habits, and she requests you to rid off and you take her to advise seriously and started working on it.
So, these are some of general Opinions where, he takes helps from you, and never let you down.
Now, you should compare his behavior with others and if you feel that he is doing something Extra Ordinary for you, then you can take this as a Positive Signs about his Seriousness for you.
He Introduces his Friends and Family
Although, it has been seen that a Cancer Man has diversified his attentions towards all Relations, and he has created his own Categories for his Friends.
So, if you are Important for him, he will surely introduce you to his family members and his Close Friends too.
While you are meeting with his Blood Relations, he will keep ensuring his Special Attention towards you by telling his Family members that she is the one he like too much and have Strange Feelings for her.
Moreover, he will insist his Family to make you their Family Friend and do the same with you too, although you are Gem for him.
He Wants to be Introduced
Like he has introduced you into his family, the same as his desire is also to be introduced in your Family and Friends too.
So, if he asks about your Family and insists on to meet them, then never get annoyed, instead make a Proper Plan and Introduce him to his Family, depending upon the Situation in your Culture, Religion and Society.
Future Planning: Great Sign
Okay, now you have Pretty much Idea about your Cancer Man’s Love and Seriousness about you, let’s look at his behavior about his Future Planning like:
- He tells about things he wants to do together with you in the future.
- Setting Vision with you, and tells his Plan of having Kids and Kitchen with a Girl, looks exactly like you; it’s a Signal.
- He makes a plan to Spend holidays with you.
But sometimes, all People are not same, having same Zodiac Sign.
He Never Crosses his Boundary
Even though if you both have already in a good Relationship. A True lover knows his boundaries, so he will never breach your Privacy; Socially, Virtually or Physically.
He will set his Parameters and ask you to set yours, and he will behave like a good Friend, and he has to be good. Because we all are Human not Animals.
So, if he Respects you Physically too, then this would be a core Sign about this Cancer guy Seriousness. In fact, he wants to Protect you too from Rivals.
In a nutshell, there are 10 Signs when a Cancer Man is Serious about you which are:
- His Actions with his Words i.e. his Trustworthiness Level.
- Never hides his Secrets, instead forcefully tells you his all Secrets to You.
- He never gets Bore while listening while Conversation with his Girl.
- Gives his Privacy, i.e. his Social Media Accounts Passwords.
- Treating his Girl like a Queen.
- Listen to his Girl’s Opinions and act according to it.
- Introduce you to his Friends and Family.
- Similarly, he wants to be Introduced in your Family too.
- He plans Future with her dream Girl.
- He never ever dares to cross his boundary, set by you.
Where, while writing this article, I have found a question on that is, what are the Signs when a Cancerian Man Loves you? and Precise answer has been given, which is Viewed by 24,000+ visitors and Upvoted this Answer by 25 visitors as in April 2020.
Do you know that there are some of the Reliable, Authoritative and Authentic Sites out there who suggest some basic Compatibility and Matches between Zodiac Signs?
One of them is Horoscope.LoveToKnow.Com. So, if summarizing their one of the Articles about Zodiac Signs that are Compatible with Cancer Sign than they Suggest “Water Sign (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) and Earth Sign (Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo) could be the Prime Signs, a Cancer can rely upon.
So, if you are one of these Zodiac Signs then Probably the Chemistry between Cancer Man and You can be Long Lasting.
But remember one thing, putting Astrology and Zodiac Sign behind that, “All Five Fingers are not same, maybe you do not belong to one of these Signs, but you have a far good Relationship or Friendship with him and you Trust him by Heart, then you shouldn’t Panic and go with him without taking Tension”.
Suggestion: As you have read Article, if you are a Girl, remember that never Sacrifice your Dignity, if he is a True Lover, he will do Marriage, never ever get into Physical Relationship, it will Spoil your Dignity.
Maybe, someone has red this Article and behaves same as mentioned above, but all have in his Mind are evil and dirty Thoughts. So, you can remain Safe by demanding a Long-Lasting Marriage Relationship. Best of Luck!
Further, you can ask your Questions on this Particular Astrology and Zodiac Forum too: Dxpnet Cancer Zodiac Sign.
If you want to read a Complete Guide about Cancer Man, then you should take a look at this detailed guide: A-Z About Cancer Man.
Note: The author has written this Article by Researching and Surfing the Internet with some of his own Opinion too. Do Comment your thoughts and do share your experience with others, if possible.
This Article is Originally Published at
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