Virgo is a Mutable Earth Sign with Mercury as a Ruling Planet. The Virgo People are Critical Thinkers and often do Work Smart rather than Hard. So, if you are in hurry and just want to know the best Gemstone for them so by seeing at their Birth chart, Ruling Planet Mercury and Element of Earth in them, the best and Lucky Stones for Virgo are Onyx, Agate, and Sapphire.
So, why these Gemstones are best for Virgo? We will discuss it later, but first let’s find out some of the Positive and Negative Traits of Virgo Zodiac so you can easily pick up, which Gemstone could be best for Virgo People.
Positive Traits: Virgos are Smart workers, Talented People and knows how to Perform a certain Task with their amazing analytical Skills. On the other side, they are Faithful and always do what they commit.
They are Sweet, Patient and take complete responsibility for what is happening in their Life. In fact, they are not blamers and they enjoy Social Gathering too.
Negative Traits: Like Positive traits, they have some Negative things too like they don’t easily forget if someone harms them even the other Person apologizes to them. They are Stubborn too.
Due to their Friendly Nature, they want to please everyone and that makes them sometimes creepy because you can’t make everyone happy, and as a result, they get frustrated.
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Benefits of Wearing Gemstones for Virgo
One thing you should remember about Gemstones is there is no magic in it. It has some Positive vibes, if you do your complete Hard and Smart Work then it can act as a Catalyst to boost up your performance, but it can’t do all your Work.
Okay, According to Astrologers Onyx, Agate and Sapphire are best for both Virgo Man and Woman.

Onyx: The Powerful Black Stone is best and Lucky for Virgo in terms of giving Spiritual Powers. There are other benefits too of wearing this Stone like:
- It absorbs Negative Energy and Provides Positive Energy.
- This Stone is best for those Virgo who is fear of Failing in any aspect of Life. This stone will improve their movement against Fear and give them the courage to Stand against Fear.
- During Stress, this Gemstone can give you relief and can get you rid out of your Confusion Phase.
Agate: This Stone is usually best for those Virgo who is Religious. Further, this Stone can light up your Spiritual Power to an advanced level. Other benefits include:
- Increases your Intellectual Level.
- It can help you to grow yourself.
- This Stone is best for those Virgo who is Short temper and wants to overcome their anger issues. Agate will help you to control your Anger and makes you calm.
- Agate can help a Virgo to remain happy in their Personal life with their Family.
Sapphire: Every Creature in this World is not useless, same as Blue Sapphire is best for Virgo in many ways like:
- It can increase your Wealth if you do Hard Work, it can work as a catalyst to outperform your Hard and Smart work.
- Sapphire Stone is best for those Virgo who has weak mental Power.
- This Stone can help you to minimize the loss in your Business.
Best and Lucky Gemstone for Virgo Man
The Virgo Men have Realistic and have a Practical approach to outperform any Task. So, there are some Birth Gemstones which are best and Lucky for only Virgo Man. It can boost their performance level. So, the best Stones for Virgo other than Onyx, Agate, and Sapphire are Carnelian and Zircon.
Carnelian: This Gemstone is the better choice of Virgo Man. Some benefits of wearing this Stone are:
- It Purifies your Heart if you have committed any Sin and helps you to not attempt later in Future.
- Carnelian increases the Intellectual level of Virgo.
- This Gemstone can help from Evil thoughts and Evil Sight from People.
- By wearing Carnelian Stone, a Virgo can increase their Patience level.
Zircon: This is one of the best Gemstones for those Virgo Guys who have Insecurity Issues. The benefits of this Stone are:
- It can increase your Confidence level, so you can talk and make eye contact with everyone.
- Self-respect is the thing if you do so, then others will respect you, this Stone can encourage you to respect yourself and others will automatically start respecting you.
- Zircon can Solve issues, and block the Problem if you are willing to do so in the inner self.
Best and Lucky Gemstone for Virgo Woman
Virgo Women are Independent, Intelligent but sometimes Emotional too. So, by seeing their Natal Chart, Ruling Planet Mercury, Element of Water and Quadruplicity Mutual the best and Lucky Birth Stones for Virgo Woman other than Onyx, Agate and Sapphire are Jasper and Jade.
Jasper: Jasper is one of the Lucky Stones for Virgo Natives, this stone is best for those Virgo women, who have issues in Confidence.
- Self-improving is the thing if a Girl can focus on, she can become a Leader. So, this Stone helps a Virgo girl to change their Destiny if she is willing to bring Change.
- This Stone can light up Virgo Girl’s Life and produce batter Luck and bring Prosperity in her Life.
Jade: The Greenstone is best for Healing Physical and Spiritual things of Virgo Woman. Other benefits are:
- This Stone can bring Positive changes in your Lifelike Mood Swings, Anger Management and Happiness without any Reason.
- The Stone has the ability to charge you to do hard work and you can change your Life.
I have found this Information through Internet Surfing and because of Passion of Astrology. Moreover, I have taken some Help from these two Sites too.
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