Cancer Guys are considered cool minded, calm and lovable Personality. So, the question is all about How a Cancer Man shows Jealousy?
Well, Every Human in the World feels Love, Affection and sometimes Jealous of other people. Some People show it, some people keep it hidden, where sometimes you are thinking he is Jealous of you but he isn’t.
Usually, there are many things a Common Man get Jealous of you like:
- Seeing your Love Life, and he has lost his Love.
- Your Lavish Life Style and he is Poor.
- Sometimes, your way of Talking is quite bitter, and he becomes too Possessive because of your Behavior.
- Do Insult of him, when he is Inferior to you.
And the list can go on.
So, these are the common factors a Person gets Jealous of you and it is normal to have it if you feel the same for anyone.
But the Alarming Situation happens when a Person becomes too Evil, and his all desires are to make you Unhappy or do any damage.
Okay, now we are going to discuss some of the common Factors about a Cancer Man, when he gets jealous of you, and how he shows his Jealousy.
There are a bunch of Signs when a Cancer Man gets Jealous of you, and you can see below Signs to see him Jealousy over you. But there is Some Sure Reason, why he is doing it.
- He can Insult you without any Reason.
- He will try hard to make you Down because at any instant you make him feel Down life. (KARMA)
- Personal guilt, yes if you have something, and a Cancer Man hasn’t, then he becomes Jealous from you, and Probably he will Point out recklessly these things in front of you.
- Cancer Man’s Friends can tell you about his Jealousness.
- He will stop giving Reply on Text Messages or on Social Media.
- Maybe, he will never admire you, on your Success.
- (RARE CASE) Self Esteem is the main Problem of a Cancer Man, if he feels, someone is better than him, he will automatically start competing with him without knowing the inner self.
Where the Cancer Man doesn’t harm you if he has any Problem with you, He will change his Route and avoid meeting you, until the Fire in his Heart Extinguishes.
I have found these Signs, from Suring Internet and Forums compile it in a Single Article. Maybe it is Wrong, Personally I have never seen these things in a Cancer Man so Far.
So, How you have Enjoyed it. Best of Luck!

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