Capricorn Man is a Cardinal Earth Sign having Saturn as a Ruling Planet in it. The Capricorn Men are Stubborn, Prideful, Observant, Determined and Diligent in every walk of life. Usually, these Guys are Supernatural about things they Care the Most. So, if you are his Lover, Wife, or Friends he will care for you until his last breath and if Capricorn Man has fallen in love with you then as a Lover, he probably does these things as a core Sign of his Affection.
Let’s get started.
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He keeps telling Jokes:
Usually, they are very Conservative and Quite by Nature, But when they like Someone and fallen in love with them, especially a girl whom he wants to spend Life with her, then he will do die Hard efforts to make you Smile.
He will tease you; he pulls you and he will make you feel how special you are to her.
So, if you found his Behavior then Possibly he has intentions of Love towards you, now if you like him then you should give a reply to him with another joke without Hurting Intensions and if you don’t like him then you should take aside by making Ugly Faces.
Moreover, he is True and Serous Lovers and doesn’t have any intentions of becoming Physical without having Perfect Marriage Relationships.
Secrets of Capricorn Man in Love:
If Someone tells you a Secret, it means he has given his Pride and Respect to you and he Trusts you that’s why he has told his Personal things with you.
A Capricorn Man is careful about their Secrets, he is a Shy guy and doesn’t open easily. But when he becomes your Lover, he will tell all his secrets with you, and now it is your duty to keep this Personal otherwise he will Lose his Trust towards you.
He will share Personal Problems with you and take suggestions from you to Perform any new Work. In short, he will make you, his Personal diary in which he will write all his Sorrows, Happiness and all other Issues.
Jealousy in Love:
Capricorn Natives are Stubborn by nature, and he doesn’t want anyone between their Love and him. So, when he needs you and he finds you nowhere, then he gets Jealous of you.
Further, they have Small Heart, related to this Issue and he becomes Emotional or Moody when you flirt with someone else.
This can be the best way for testing a Capricorn man whether he loves you or not.
Long Term Relationships:
Capricorn Man believes in True Love and Marriage rather than becoming a Time Pass.
So, when they become your Lover, he clearly tells Everything that they believe in Long Term Relationship and they want a Loyal Partner and want her as Spouse in Future if everything going Good in initial days.
If you (as a girl) don’t have intentions of remaining in Long term Relationship than tell him. It is not Ethical to hide these things as a Human.
Where, if you remain with the Capricorn Man and allow him to become your Husband then he will become more caring and after having Children, the Life between the two becomes Heaven if you both understand each one’s Limits and Mind
Bad Communicator about Feelings:
The bad thing in a Capricorn Guy is that he is a poor Communicator, sometimes he wants to tell something but tells something else.
The main reason behind this is that Capricorn man keeps their Feelings inside them and don’t tell anyone even becoming closer to them.
Sometimes, they tell their feelings to their Best and Supportive Friends. So, by chance you are his Friend and Later you become his Lover then it becomes easy for him to Communicate for him.
Supportive about Work-Life:
He is Supportive about work Life and he doesn’t feel any Pity if you are a Working Girl.
Things getting worse when a Girl whom he loves the most, doesn’t give him that time which is his Core Right.
And the number two Point, he wants her girl to do work rather than Flirting. If a girl Satisfy his Capricorn man, then he will become extra Supportive of his Lover.
One More thing a Girl wants all the above thing the same in his Lover too.
I have written this Blogpost by Surfing the Internet and Found this Website Useful

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