The Cancer Man is one of the humblest Signs in all 12 Zodiac Signs. Later I will explain as simple as I can so you can clear all the things related to the Astrology of this Crab Sign
In this article, we are going to discuss all the Stuff related to Cancer Man, All the Positive and Negative Traits about him, His Likes and Dislikes, Personality, Relationships. In short, the Timeline of a Cancer Man.
Table of Contents
Introduction about Cancer Man
So, According to Astrological Point of view, these are some of the Basic Knowledge about Cancer Zodiac Sign and the below Table is linked to Cancer Man.
1 | Astrological Number | 4 |
2 | Symbol | Crab |
3 | Ruling Planet | Moon |
4 | Element | Water |
5 | Quadruplicity | Cardinal |
6 | Lucky Number | 2, 3, 15, 20 |
7 | Lucky Stones | Ruby, Moon Star, and Emerald |
8 | Lucky Color | White, Turquoise Blue and Crimson Red |
9 | Detriment Planet | Saturn Planet |
10 | Exaltation Planet | Jupiter |
11 | Cancer Fall Planet | Mars |
12 | Date Range | 21st June – 22nd July |
Now Let me explain to you all the Aspects from Table Like:
Astrological Number: There is 12 Zodiac Sign in General and they are categorized Season wise, like Winter and Spring, Summer and Autumn. So, the Cancer Man falls under Summer Season thus it is the 4th Zodiac Sign among all.
Symbol: In Astrology, the word Cancer is Latin for the “Crab”. This means they are Hard, Covered and know their limitations and don’t like Roaming.
Ruling Planet: All the Zodiac Signs have Some Ruling Planets, which means they inherit some Positive and Negative Energies from their Ruling planet under which they are born, so a Cancer Man inherits some of the Positive and Negative Energies from its ruling Planets.
Quadruplicity: Quad means 4, Usually all the 12 Sign falls under 3 Groups which are Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable. Each group there are 4 Zodiac Signs and each Group shared some Similar Properties like, he is a Cardinal Sign, so it shares some Properties with their fellow Cardinal Signs Aires, Libra, and Capricorn.
The Zodiac Sign falls under the Criteria of Season like Cardinal (Start of the Season), Fixed (in the Middle of the Season) and Mutable (Starts at the End of the Season). So, a Cancer Man falls in Cardinal in the Start of the Summer Season, while the other three fellow Signs fall at the Strat of the remaining 3 Seasons.
Element: Unlike Planet and Quadruplicity, there are 4 Elements in the Zodiac Sign which are Earth, Water, Fire, and Air. So, a Cancer Man falls in Water Sign.
Lucky Stones, Number, and Color: The Lucky Stones for Cancer Man is based on the movement of its Ruling Planet.
According to Astrologers, a Person gains benefits from Sun Rays but can’t see it. Similarly, there are thousands of rays in the Universe a Person can get benefit from it. So, the Gemstone Emerald has a Ruling Planet Moon and this Stone can soak all the Positive rays from Moon.
So, when a Cancer guy whose Ruling Planet is also Moon wears that Gemstone, he gets all the Positive Energy from that Stone. The same Rule is for Lucky Numbers and Lucky Colors too.

The Personality of Cancer Man
There are Many Factors on which a Personality of a Cancer man is based upon.
Suppose if he is brought up in a Bad-Mannered Family then the Probability of Negative Thinking and Habits are High. But there is Some Effects of its Zodiacs Sign too Like:
Emotions of a Cancer Man is based upon its Zodiac Sign and he acts exactly what he has inherited from Astrology of Cancer, other things like he needs time to Think before Responding and he doesn’t care anymore if you hurt them is because of his Positive Traits.
So, by Seeing their Natal Chart, Planet and Element of Water in him, the Positive and Negative Traits are as follows:
Cancer Man Positive Traits
There are Positive and Negative things in Every person, Some Positive things People learn from Family, Friends or Society. But there are some basic things almost every Cancer Man inherits because of its Zodiac Sign which are:
- Cancer Men are Loving, Caring, Overwhelmed, Reserved and Emotive Personality. They know how to take care of those whom they Love the Most.
- They are Positive thinkers, Sometimes Overthinkers and they love to enjoy doing Hard and Smart Work.
- One of the Most Positive Traits of Cancer Man is Kindness and they aren’t Stubborn. They are even kind to those who hurt them. Sometimes this behavior causes them loss, but they find comfort in Helping others without any Greed.
- They Never Compromise on Self Respect. If you want to make him guilty and don’t know how you can make them guilty. Do insult them, they Feel it and Regret this. But, in a different Vision, it is one of the best Positive things in any Man.
- On the Love Side, they are Loyal and Faithful in Relationships, whether it is Love Relationship, a Family or with Friends.
Maybe you know a Cancer Guy, and you haven’t seen some of these Qualities in him, So, you should understand one Phrase “All Five Fingers are not Same”.
Cancer Man Negative Traits
Unlike Positive, there is some Negative and Dark Side of a Cancer Man too. Like they are Moody, Suspicions, and Unpredictable Sometimes. Other Negative traits include:
- They think with their heart and not from the mind, so sometimes a Cancer man lacks in Communication with other People. Especially for those whom they love, and that’s not a good Sign for living in Society.
- No Contact Rule for Cancer Man: Once he finds you guilty, then there is a minor Chance you can get forgiveness from him. Because they don’t like deceivers.
- Cancer Man Disappears and Reappears: One of the most Negative signs People think about them is disappearing and reappearing. When they are in Tension or Feeling Broken, they disappear without telling anyone and when time flies, Feeling Super Excited, they Reappear again. This act can make People annoying and people let them go.
- Cancer Man is Inconsistent about things they don’t like, but in actual they are shouldn’t do this, because things relate to their Work or other related things.
- Time Wasting is common Among Cancer Guys. Usually, they are Careless about their Work, and never complete their Work on Time. If there is a Do or Die Condition then do their Task at last Peak time.
So, if he brings some change in their Habits by Joining Motivational Sessions or Practicing, then probably they will become one of the Finest Zodiac Signs among all.
Understanding a Cancer Man

If you want to understand a Cancer Man, you should take care of all the stuff related to them, their Negativity and Positivity, what a Cancer Wants from you? and all the Daily and Often habits of Cancer guy.
I am Supposing you are his Lover or you Like a Cancer guy so, you must care about talking about Cancer Man and his Ex-Girlfriends. Usually, they aren’t Flirty, but if they even hate about talking their Past Love Life.
The First Thing you know before understanding him is to give him Respect, never ever attack his Dignity, if you do so, he will leave you because Self-Respect is the thing he will never compromise on.
When a Cancer Man is Angry with you, don’t try to come over and ask Forgiveness about your Mistake, because when they are in Angry Mood, they don’t react normally, So, don’t annoy him. When they become cool and calm, ask him about Apology, or you want to debate on any Matte you can do then.
When a Cancer Man cuts you off and completely ignoring you then don’t make cheap by Sticking him like a Chewing-Gum, Rather give him time, they are Kind-Hearted People and Understands all the things, and will contact you when they feel up and will ask for Forgiveness, now it is up to you how you tackle this Condition.
One thing you should care about is don’t disturb a Cancer man when he is Busy unless you have that type of Emergency, a Person is dying. So, remember below Points to understand him.
- When you need him, First ask if he is Busy or Not.
- When he Allows you to Open up then you should talk to him, and they feel Secure with that type of Girls
- If he says, “I am Busy, call me Later”, then don’t Annoy him.
- If he says, “I am Busy, but I can do my work later”, then you should describe your problem.
- At last, if you are Spare and want a Cancer Guy to fun with you, just text him, “When you are Free, reply me“, or if you both are at Same Place knock him and tell him the same as you have texted him on Mobile.
If you do all the Stuff, a Cancer Man attracts you, because he thinks if a Person is really caring about his Work and Time, then how much he will care for him. That’s the Key to Understand a Cancer Man Easil
Loving or Missing Someone you Love the most is the Best Part of Cancer Man’s Life. So, if you want to understand him, you should Make him Miss you and you should also Pretend that you are Missing him.
So, if you are Missing him and don’t know how to tell that, you are missing him then you should follow these Rules:
- Social Media is the best thing to express your Feelings, Just random Text him on Facebook, WhatsApp or at any Social Media Platform.
- Put Status on being Lonely and watch the actions and behavior of your Cancer Man.
- Show him Extra Affection, Caring, and Love.
- Last but not least, tell him directly that you are missing him.
By doing all the Stuff you can easily Understand what a Cancer Man thinks about you, or maybe he tells his inner Feeling about anyone.
How can you Understand him if you don’t communicate with him? So, how to communicate with a Cancer Man is the main Question.? Well, this depends completely upon the Scenario and it is debatable that where is your Man is living. Whether he is with you at College, Work, or he is a Neighbor, etc.
- If he is within your College, just go to him and ask for Notes or any college Related Stuff, he doesn’t hesitate on talking about that Stuff.
- If you both are at the Workplace, then ask some Help about your Work or do help if he Stuck at some point.
- If he is your Neighbor, then go give him Complementary food or Gift.
Finally, you should care about him and his family, because he loves him Family, and if you re his Friend, Lover or even his Teacher, you should understand his Mind Set and ask him about his Family. He Proud of you if you Respect him and his family too.
Cancer Man Different Roles in Life

You can’t understand any Man especially, a Cancer man without knowing his Role with different People as a Different Person.
So, let’s Start the Relationship of a Cancer Man with other People with different Roles in Life.
Cancer Man as a Lover | Husband
There is a thin line between a Lover and a Husband. Lovers are often careless, but Husbands aren’t. In Case of Cancer Man, they always want to become Lovers of a Girl but as a Husband.
Moreover, they don’t like One Night Stand Love, they want Love whole Life till the end of Life.
Cancer Man as a Lover: When he falls in love with a girl, he cares about her, and do all the Stuff she wants without changing. All he wants from his Girl is Faithfulness, Love, Affection, and Respect. In return, he will do all the things.
But remember one thing, they don’t believe in Flirting and they hate those who do Flirt and Play with others Feeling.
Pro Tip: If you are a Girl, never fall in any Physical Activity without getting married.
Cancer Man as a Husband: If you hear anything soothing about love in Stories, then probably the Guy is a Cancer. Because when a Cancer gets his dream girl then he will spend all his Life and Money on his Wife.
So, if you as wife remain Loyal, Caring, Loving and helps in doing all the daily Routine work for him then he will prove himself a Wonderful Husband. He wants to hear the whispering of Love and needs attention from his Wife.
Moreover, he is a Lover of Children and needs a lot of children from you.
Cancer Guy as a Friend | Co-Worker
The Kind and Friendly Nature of Cancer Man is too good. But they don’t make a lot of friends, because they believe in Quantity rather than Quality.
Cancer Man as a Friend: So, when a Cancer Man does Friendship with you then he will be your true friend. Because he doesn’t make friends based on any hidden benefits, rather he makes friends share sorrows, help each other and have fun together.
Actually, they Worship Friendship and never make Fake Faces behind their Friends. They are Loyal Friends, who only needs Love, Attention, and Respect.
When there is a Clash between Cancer man’s Interest and his Friend’s then he skips his interest and gives that thing to his Friend to keep Friendship Stronger.
He will always there for you in Hard times and Except the same from you, if you do so.
They are Simple People and don’t play mind games and if you don’t help him out then say it simple without wasting time.
Cancer Man as a Co-Worker: Usually, at the workplace, there will be no Friendship but only Interest of seeking work from each other and get Bonus from Boss.
But a Cancer Man doesn’t do these types of creepy things in general and avoid these messy things and always do help if someone wants help from him.
He is a Good Co-Worker, and when he is a Boss, he behaves like a Leader and wants you to become a Leader rather than Slaves.
Cancer Man as a Father | Uncle
Cancer Man as a Father: When comes to an Old Age or Young Father, they become Super Dad too, but they expect a lot of love from their children, and if they don’t give back love as a Cancer Sign Father gave them so they become disappointed at old Age.
They become Friendly Father and don’t want their children to hide anything from them. If a Son/Girl did mistakes and didn’t tell them then they become angry if they listen to it from other Sources. So, you must take care of this.
Cancer Man as an Uncle: On the Other Side when they are Uncle of a Child or Boy/Girl then they become too friendly with them and act as a Father, not as an Uncle.
Cancer Guy as a Son | Grand Son
If a Cancer Sign Child is brought in a Family who have already a good Family History of Moral Values, then they become a Good Son or Grand Son who Respect their Elders and don’t do anything wrong which brings a bad impact on their Family.
If he brought in an ill Mannered Family, then in most of the cases, after Understanding Relationships, World and all other necessary things he became a Pure Gentle Man, because, he is Simple and Kind-Hearted Guy, Most of the times.
But, all he has to gain is Education. Without Education, he will never ever behave like a mannered Guy.
Cancer Man as a Brother | Cousin
Whether it is Brother or Cousin, in both Scenario a Cancer Man behaves in a Supportive Way and always helps and love to their Younger’s one and Respect to the Older One.
In the case of his Sister or Female Cousin, he will love her Younger Sister the most than all other Zodiac Signs, and if he is older than him, then he will do all the things which make her Sister Happy and Proud on him.
Moreover, he never Breaks his Sister Heart on any occasion. he makes Loss of him over his Sister’s Interest.
Cancer Man’s Life
There are almost 3 main spans of a Cancer Man’s life, a Young Life, Professional Life, and Old Age Life. Where an Infant and Child Cancer Boy is the same as all other’s Children.
So, Let’s discuss briefly a Water Sign Cancer Man’s Life.
Young Life of Cancer Guy | School or College Life
Cancer Boy’s School Life is really interesting because he is good at making friends, and sometimes he becomes a center of Attention for all guys, due to his Funny Behavior and Fantasy Lifestyle.
On the other side, most of the Cancer Boys is at Good at Study and Teacher admires him, but if Some Cancer Boy doesn’t good at Study then there is no problem, because if a Cancer boy follows his Passion and acquire Some good Skills then there is no match for you among all, because a Cancer Boy is really a hard worker.
When a Cancer Boy goes to College, High School or in a University, he needs to diversify his Analytical Skills into money-making Skill, and keep helps others, this will keep his mind Fresh and Heart Peaceful.
Sometimes Cancer boys get demotivated on insulting, but if you take this insult as a Motivation for your work and don’t get distracted upon what people are Saying then one day you will be going to Rule this World.
When a Cancer man is Young, he is Energetic about his Future and feels worries about Life. He does all the things from which he can lead a Wonderful, joyous Life in the near future.
However, Life is not a bed of Roses, and all that he wants cannot be done in a way he wants to do. But Life has every Second option if you want to opt.
You will never get failed until you Die, so all you have to do is keep your mind relax, and do Hard and Smart work, and One day you will get succeed.
Professional Life of Cancer Man | Work Life
Professional or Work-life is the biggest Life of any Person in terms of Time.
So, if a Cancer Man will keep his Conscious in his Hands rather giving to others then you can become Successful.
Usually, in Professional Life, Cancer natives want to become Self Employed and want to become an Entrepreneur. But if you work for any Organization then you should make friends over there.
Due to their Kind and Friendly nature they get easily mixed with all types of people, whether the Opposite colleague is Sharp Mind and have aggressive nature, they catch this Signal and mold their Self and didn’t conflict with any of them.
One Tip for you if you must deal People on Daily Basis: Because a Cancer Man is Kind in nature, So, love all but don’t Trust on Anyone.
But they know how to protect their Right and you should raise voice if someone is misbehaving and strong your basic Rights of Living.
Older Life of Cancer Man
The Older Life of Cancer Man is quite Blessing (Most of the Time).
If an Aged Cancer man got his Love of Life and she is living with her in her elderly age, then the Life of a Cancer man becomes Heaven and he passes the rest of the Life with her and their Children and Grand Childers.
With Love and Devotions towards kids, they usually raised their Children in a well-mannered way with Matureness, so they don’t send their Cancer Father to old House.
Cancer Man is a Lover of Nature and after Retirement, they opt to choose gardening as a Hobby, He grows Flowers, Vegetable and Fruits as a Keen Interest.
Moreover, if you want to love then there are many ways of Living a Happy Life.
Best Career for Cancer Men
Usually, this is really a difficult question to ask from anyone, because there is no direct Contact of Career of Cancer Man with Astrology.
But, somehow, if a Cancer Guy will follow their passion and do what they love to do then definitely there will be Bright Chance of Succession rather become Blind Follower of others.
Moreover, the one Question you can Ask how to identify Passion of Work or Career as a Cancer Man?
Well, the Answer is Simple and Precise that, “If you are doing any work and you are enjoying doing that work without any Greed, and you didn’t get easily tired in doing that work, then this is your Passion and this should be your Profession.”
Where, by Searching out different Forums these are some of the best Careers for Cancer Man.
- Information Technology (Because they want to remain up to date).
- Professional Teachers (Because they are learners and teachers).
- Doctors (This can be a Good Profession for them because they are kindhearted People)
- Businessman (They really want to Rule and love Entrepreneurship)
How to Attract a Cancer Man

Attracting a Cancer Man may vary and depends upon why you want to attract him towards you? Like:
- You are Attracting him as a girl and want to marry him?
- Are you attracting him to get the help you in Work, Studies, Household or Personal Work?
- Last but Least, are you attracting him to be a Partner in your Business?
Moreover, In Astrology, Cancer has the Element of Water in them and usually, they attract most with native Elements like Pisces and Scorpio, where there are more important things you should care to attract a Cancer Guy so far.
So, I am supposing you are a Girl and you got attracted to a Cancer Man and wants you to get close to him.
So, the things you should remember are:
First: You don’t need to Play with him, because they are Straight Forward People and they believe in True Love rather than Flirt, So, if you want just a Hanky Punky Relationship then you should keep a distance from him.
But if you really love him and want a Long-term Relationship that leads to Marriage then you should go after him. Okay, let’s discuss some Points to elaborate more:
- If you become Fake, then he will catch you.
- They don’t come Physical with you until they are complete assure you will not dump him, and they prefer Marriage before going any Physical Relationship.
- Cancer Man needs Affection, Reassurance, and Care from you.
Second: To Win a Cancer Man’s Heart you should Respect his Family, especially his Mother because this is the First Lady whom he loved the most.
Third: give Cancer Man Space to live in, don’t dare to dig in his Privacy, he needs Fresh Air and Sometimes want to Spent time alone, or with their friends. So, always ask before planning.
After some time, they will spend more time with you if you give them full comfortable Privacy.
Fourth: Cancer Man don’t fall in Love if you directly tell them, They need time to think before making a decision, and at that time they will judge you by their own ways, all you need to do is, don’t become Fake.
Fifth: Cancer Men are ambitious about their future and they like those people who have great intentions toward their Future.
So, if you make them realize that you have some Life plan or discuss Life Plan with them. In that way, they will find you more attractive than before.
Things You should know before Dating a Cancer Man
As you know “The First Impression is the Last Impression”. If you are dating him the First time, then you should know all the Hacks about dating a Cancer Man so far. Otherwise, he will Pull away and Reject you.
So, if you are wondering, how anyone can Prepare about meeting or dating someone, then you should think about preparing for Exam or Viva.
Yes, any work needs Preparation then why dating or meeting with Cancer Man doesn’t need any Preparation?
Early Stages of Dating a Cancer Man:
The First thing you should remember on the first date is to not become Over smart or by telling lies about you.
Maybe, you would inspire him at that moment, but just think about what will happen when he will completely know everything about you, including your Fake Identity.
Causal Relationship:
When you know him, don’t ask him or Propose him directly, because a Cancer man wants causal Friendship with you, and more precisely he wants causal Relationship with no Hurting each other.
Cancer Man Testing You:
The Cancer Man doesn’t trust easily, but they can pretend full Trust on you. So, you should aware of Trust issues.
If you really like him, then you shouldn’t involve any man in Relation. Because he has severe trust issues before coming into Relationship.
And he never believes in Sharing, he will never share you with any other Guy, even though, The other guy is your Best Friend. He will surely get Jealous if he found Juggling with him in a Free Style.
Signs a Cancer Man has Feelings for You
Unlike, you are attracting towards a Cancer Man, same as he can also attract towards you and there are some Possible Signs you should observe if he Likes you and have Some feelings towards You.
Did you know a Cancer Man is always fear of being hurt and that’s why he keeps his feeling deep under his Heart and wants you to approach him?
So, if you feel something Unnatural in his behavior, and you feel extra Caring from his Side then don’t just think he fall in love with you, maybe he has some Feelings inside him, from a long time and he is Shy enough and always pull and back before telling you his Feelings.
So, these 8 Common Signs about a Cancer Guy’s feelings, you can easily notice in him.
Your Reason of Smile:
When a Cancer Man has feelings for you, the first thing he will do for you is to make Super Special among all others and wants you to keep smiling, and he will work hard to make your Life Wonderful.
- He will keep telling you Funny Jokes to mold your attention towards you.
- On your Birthday he will invite you with your Friends, jut for the sake of your Happiness.
- Moreover, he will tell you that, “you are beautiful, and he will don’t want to lose such a Good Friend”.
These are some of the behavior of Cancer Men to make you Happy.
Jealousy of Cancer Man:
When he is obsessed with you. You found the Element of Jealousy in him. When a Cancer Man feels your Attention is diverted to another person.
So, if you want to know about, has he developed some feelings about you? then you should do these things and focus on his Behavior.
- Just make a Random Conversation with other men and observe your Cancer Man’s Face Expression.
- Tell him Story about other Men and observe his Behavior, whether he cuts your Conversation off and started telling the same things about himself or not?
- Another way simply just asks him, how he feels when you give importance to another person, and you should give him Comfort of reply, so he can tell you easily about his Feelings.
Usually, Cancer Natives don’t lie, and if they lie you can easily catch them, So, if you built Confidence in him for telling the truth then there you could easily get your Answers.
Cancer Man Upset:
They become upset when you don’t give them attention, which was their core Focus, then he becomes Insecure and won’t talk to anyone
Usually, they don’t mind if you punish them on even Unfair things, but they don’t want ignorance from the One he loved and have feelings for them.
The same, rule can be applied for those Cancer guys who have Friendly Nature. Normally, Cancer Man opts to go in a grouping when he likes you as a friend and when he wants you to spend time with him Alone and Solo, then they have serious affection towards you.
But remember one thing, don’t become Physical before Marriage.
- You are testing him to get to know about his feelings, and you have hurt him.
- An apology is the best thing to get to know about Answers of anything, so you should make an Apology Note and send him or tell him what you were thinking.
- Maybe, he has some Family Problem, Work Problem or Study Problem, all you need to do is ask him in a Polite way.
So, if you scroll him further, you know what he is hiding for.
Extra Protective:
When a Cancer Guy Likes someone and has feelings in his Heart then they will become Over-Protective. They don’t want anyone to hurt you, nor he thinks of hurting you either.
So, if you feel some discrimination and change in his Actions regarding you then maybe he has Feelings for you.
Where, he is one of the Best Players among all Zodiac Signs in terms of Protection of those, whom he loves the Most.
Things you should see in him are:
- A Cancer Man will care for you.
- Fortunately, he will do work for you.
- Have you done breakfast? This may be the first Question he can ask from you.
- He will help you with your daily routine.
- If you are his Co-worker, he will assist you in your Office.
- “A Friend in need is Friend Indeed”, he will always there for you when you need help in your Personal matter like you are ill or your Family member.
So, there are thousands of ways you can judge his Protectiveness.
About Your Life:
If you like Someone, then your First Priority would be about knowing their Life. He will never ask these questions during your first days of Friendship; he will ask later.
So, he may ask a few Question about You like:
- What do you like most about Life?
- Have you committed or not?
- What type of person do you like to have in the future as a Husband?
- What are your Life goals? And what if you feel someone is here to fulfill your Life Goals.
- Tell me about your Family.
- I want to meet with Your Family.
- Would you don’t mind if I want you to meet my family?
- He can set Filed in way that you can easily ask him about your Feelings, Sorrow, and Tensions, and he will whatever he can do to resolve your Personal issues.
So, if he likes you, he can ask these types of questions about your Personal Life.
Cancer Man Undecided:
Sometimes they don’t know, has he fallen in love with you or not? Maybe it is because he has choices or maybe he has feelings but not Healthy Feelings.
So, if he needs time, you should give him. Otherwise, if you will force him to take decision Soon, he will not Guarantee a Healthy Relationship with you.
Cancer Man Numb:
When a Cancer Man went quiet then there may be some of these Issues and Solutions too.
Moreover, Cancer Men are Smart enough and know his limit, but if you think they are crossing their Limit you can Stop them. It is your Right and he completely understands this.
Ignoring can Hurt his Feelings:
So, what will happen if you ignore a Cancer Man? To know about his feelings? Well, if he really loves you, he will come back if you ignore him. But, never hurt his Pride because no one in this world will give up his Self-Respect to gain Attention for you.
But in Simple if he really likes you and has feelings for you, he will keep chasing you with dignity.
You Can Read here in detail: 10 Signs about a Cancer Man when he is Serious about You.
Cancer Man in Love

Well, there is a Slight difference between Cancer Man’s Feelings and Cancer Man in Love with you.
In Just Feelings, he can’t tell you and just have a Crush on you, because he is not in a relationship with you, he only Acts and Reacts. While, when he is in Love and has a relationship with you then he can express his feelings with words too.
When he is Sad, he needs a Simple Hug from his Lover and that Hug will make him Cheerful again.
So, all the things he does in having Feelings with you will do in Love with Extension in these things too.
He Calls You Baby:
A Cancer Man will call you by different names like Baby, Sweetheart or Princess in Love Language. He loves to place a nickname for you. He will Stare at your Face with Shinning Deep Eyes.
You can take it Positively and Negatively too,
- When he calls you baby and you re in Relationship with him, then you should call him back babe, because he deserves that.
- But, when any Stranger calls you baby, then this Sound’s lusty and you should ignore him with a Shut-up Call.
When he Calls you by nicknames, this means he feels satisfied with you and expresses his Feelings by other Sweet names to endure that you are his World.
When a Cancer Man Says He Loves You:
So, when a Cancer Man says he loves you, he means it. You are his Special Girl and he always tells you how much he loves you.
He does this because he wants to show how much he cares for you and doesn’t want to let you go in any Circumstances.
Similarly, when he says he cares about you. Then you can judge it by his Way of doing things to make you happy. If his Actions are not following his words. Like,
- He says, “Today, I cook for you”, but he doesn’t.
- Today we will go for a long drive, but he didn’t go.
- Forgets your birthday.
- He Prefers to go with Friends rather than giving time to you.
But remember, don’t make decisions based on these things. Ask, before taking a decision. Maybe he was had his bad days or maybe someone needs him more than you.
So, don’t become Judge, Jury and Execute him without Listening.
Happy Family:
Cancer Man believes in Marriage rather than Flirting. All he wants is a Nourishing Family-Life with Children around him and a Happy Home beside a lake with a Garden full of Flowers and Trees, where he can enjoy his Spare time and Rest after Retirement with his Wife.
So, he always asks you about Marriage and wants to do at least Engagement for the Security of his Love.
Meeting with Family and Friends:
At the beginning of your relationship, he wants to Explore your Family and Friends, and later he can ask you to meet with your Relatives. So:
- He will invite you to introduce you, with his Friends.
- Later, he wants you to do the same.
- Similarly, he wants you to meet with your Family.
- At last, he will invite you to have dinner with his family.
That’s how he makes his Relation best with you.
Cancer Man Won’t Let You Go:
When he is in deep love with you, he is Emotionally attached to you and won’t let you go at any Stance. Let assume it in Zodiac Style.
He is a Crabby Sign, and the Grip of his Finger is Tight. So, when you are in love with him and do Commitment of being with him, then chances are he will never leave you at any Cause.
It doesn’t mean he will Pressurize you, but he will do all the Crazy Stuff so that you change your decision of giving up him.
So, the question is why he doesn’t want to lose you? The answer is quite simple, he doesn’t like to break Relations and he has severe Problems to Face his Past, so, if you leave him and he loves you a lot then chances are he misses you Always until he got better than You.
He always fears Rejection that’s why most of the time he doesn’t make a Proposal First. So before ending a relationship with a Cancer Man, you should know the consequences of leaving him alone.
Mind Games:
Cancer Natives don’t like to play mind games. They are Simple and Sophisticated Guys. They don’t have double Face normally.
But they can Play some Emotional Rollercoaster Drama with you, that doesn’t hurt anyone, but it will benefit him in getting you.
Maybe, he plays some diplomacy against their Boss, but they never Play with their loved one’s Feelings.
What does Cancer Man Like and Dislikes in a Woman?
There are almost 8 things that a Cancer Man likes and 10 things a Cancer Man doesn’t Like in Woman, which are:
Cancer Man Likes in a Woman | Cancer Man Dislikes in a Woman |
A Girl’s Personality means they Possess good nature | They don’t Like Drama Queen having Aggressive Nature |
Girls who are Caring | Girls who thinks only about herself |
Have a Sensible Sense of Dressing, | Girls who don’t have good Sense of Dressing |
Knows Cooking | Prefer Cook, instead of Self Cooking |
Wears Something Red | ———– |
Well Educated | Don’t want to Learn new Things |
A Good Listener | Only wants to Tell |
Knows how to hide a Secret | Girls who don’t know the value of Keeping a Secret |
What Happens When You Hurt a Cancer Man?

When you Hurt a Cancer man, he takes it as a challenge and won’t let anyone play with his Self Esteem. But it deeply depends on who has insulted him?
If he/she is Your Parents? they don’t get hurt even their Parents advise him in an aggressive way. Cancer Man always Love and Respect their Parents or Superiors.
If he is Hurt by his Best Friend, then he will tell him by words and easily Forgive him depend upon the nature of Harsh Words.
Well, if he is hurt by a Girl Whom he Love, then chances are he will keep quiet and don’t talk to her, or maybe limited his Conversation with her, and if he faces him daily he ignores her and tell her Indirectly that he is being hurt Right now, and want you to Understand him.
So, some things you can observe in him and something should know about him, when he is Hurt are:
Texting a Cancer Man:
So, what should you text a Cancer Man when he is Hurt? Well, this Guy needs attention from you.
Why? Because if he is being hurt from you, then he has some Feelings about you. Otherwise, there are plenty of people out there and he doesn’t give damn about them.
So, when you are texting him, tell him you are missing him and show some interest in him, tell him he is Handsome, and you love to be around with him.
Sometimes he will text you, then you must pass his test. Moreover, he is very kindhearted that’s why he gets upset on small Silly things and becomes Unresponsive. You can get his Mood turn on by just Texting only.
Cancer Man won’t Talk to You:
Obviously, if he is Hurt why the Hell, he talks to you? So, he never ever talks to you if you Hurt him.
Maybe he has seen your changing behavior, that’s why he won’t talk to you. because ignorance is the number one thing that can mess up your Relation.
So, if you notice something is not going good between you and Cancer guy then you should take notice and talk with him.
If he doesn’t want to talk with you then the best way to make him Cheer again is Giving Gift with a Sorry Note. The gift could be anything, but it should be wrapped with an Apology note.
After giving him a Gift, his mood will cheer again and he will express his Reservations with you, and then you can start a meaningful debate with fruitful Ending.
But, if you have done everything and he still doesn’t want to talk with you then you should give Cancer Man an Ultimatum about leaving, if he will respond to you that’s okay otherwise you should don’t disturb him again and do your own Stuff now.
Cancer Man has gone Quiet:
When he is Hurt, he remains Quiet and does all his Work without saying anything, but if you are close to him you can see it clearly in his Eyes that how much he has gone hurt.
Sometimes he leaves you without Saying Goodbye.
Unlike it is not a Girl behind hurting him. Maybe Cancer Man has different conflicts, Like:
- He has fought with his Friend.
- He lost his job and People started mocking in him.
- He has a lot of work and doesn’t know how to do it, and this thing is Continuously hurting him, and he chooses to keep quiet until he finds the way to do it.
- Last but not least, he has Lost his Family Member.
So, you should ask as a Friend and never make a decision on him before asking him the Actual Matter.
Cancer Man Ignores You:
So, if you are his Best Friend or Girlfriend and he is ignoring you and doesn’t respond to your Call, Messages and even Physically you.
Well, time is the best healer, and this Episode will soon over. You should keep him alone and keep Eye on him whether he didn’t commit anything Stupid with him.
So, when he is Hurt and Ignoring you, you should accept his ignoring and make a distance with him, soon when he feels he is healthy enough, and he will start talking with you.
Sometimes taking Problems Lightly is the best approach to Solve those Problems.
Cancer Man after a Breakup

Things getting worse to worst for a Cancer man after a Breakup. Because he is not that type of Cheap Guys who do Flirt and don’t even care about breaking up multiple times. Neither he believes in Friends with Benefits, he believes in Pure Love and Affection.
So, if he loves you a lot and planning Marriage with you then after Breakup his life is changed.
So, if you think a Cancer is Over you, just tell him that you don’t want to move along in a mannered way, but before pointing out his Mistakes, unless it is unethical to leave someone without telling his Sins.
Ignoring a Cancer Man:
So, What Happens when you ignore a Cancer Man during Breakup Phase? Well, this depends upon the Maturity, Intensity of Love and how long you have been in Relationship so far.
So, if you have been with him a long time and now you are feeling that this was not the right Guy for you, and you started ignoring him then this will impact him badly.
He always wants to be with you and when you do this, he will eventually ask you the questions? So, simply tell him your Solid reason for Breakup.
But this will impact negatively on his mind and he will tirelessly try to Patch up with you, and most of the time due to this Behavior a girl reverts his decision of losing him.
As you know that he is Mature enough and next time when you want to leave him, he prepares his mind and opens a door for you to get out of his life because he never wants to sell his pride over his Love, who even don’t like him.
Cancer Man after Dumped:
The Jolly Cancer man acts differently after being dumped. But it solely depends upon how much he has loved you.
If he already knew things getting worst with you then he can Slap you with his words, but if he didn’t know anything and all things happen suddenly, then possibly he may beg you and make you realize how much he is desperate for you.
So, if he is aware of all things or he has already seen his Friends breakup scene then chances are he will not Panic too much.
But if he hasn’t seen anything, and he is quite unmatured then he will cry, he will lose maybe he started smoking to overcome his Ex Memories.
The Question is How to react on Breakup if you are a Cancer Man? The answer is quite simple:
“The world is growing Faster and if you keep yourself Slower than your Competitor, then you will lose this Life Race”. But if you make yourself a Successful Person after dumping then she will regret in Future why she has dumped you.
The Choice is Completely yours.
Cancer Man Blocks You from Everywhere:
When everything between Cancer Man and his Ex has Finished then he will block her Ex from every Single backdoor.
Usually, Blockage happens between a Married Couple of a Cancer Man and her Woman after a Divorce and they don’t feel Embraced after blocking you from Everywhere.
He Will blocks you from Social Media, deletes your Phone number and even he changes his route so that he may not face your House.
Why he does this stuff? It is because he doesn’t want to hurt himself more by reaching you. He has tried hard to get you but if you didn’t respond to him properly then at the Peak level his interest will go for you and he doesn’t want you again in his Life, even you are the Last girl in this World.
So, the Question may arise Will Cancer man Return After Breakup? The Answer is No.
Will a Cancer Man Forget His Past?
Well, what I have researched from different Forums is that the major Weakness of a Cancer Man is that, they will never Forget his Past Love, especially their First Love. But the intensity of remembering their Past becomes quite shallow as time Passes.
As I have mentioned earlier, time is the best healer, if he keeps himself Busy in doing the best things he wants to in Life then due to the Passion of a Cancer Man towards his Grooming, at one point he may remember his Past as a Short bad but Experienced Memory.
How does a Cancer Man deal with a Breakup?
Well, dealing a Breakup for a Cancer man is really a Bad Process because:
- He will cry in Nights.
- It is impossible for him to Focus on Work.
- Just after the Breakup, His mood doesn’t Stabilize easily.
So, he is Intelligent enough but at that time they lost their conscious and seek their Friends help or with some best Consultant to overcome their Breakup Phase.
Well, the most suitable things a Cancer man should do to deal with a Breakup are:
- First, they should block their Ex from everywhere.
- Tear your Ex Pictures and all elated Stuff and flush out from your Life.
- Join Training Centers for obtaining new Skills.
- Join Gym and do work hard to make you Fit and Healthy.
- Take Morning Walk and Spent time with your Best People like Family and Friends.
- Set targets to achieve this Year.
- Read Books.
- Spread Love but don’t expect too much.
- Spend time with Children.
So, they are Stronger by will, they can do all these things to get rid of their Ex Love.
And, you should make yourself to Love again with a Stronger Heart. Because Nothing lasts Forever.
Being Dumped by a Cancer Man
What happens if a girl has been dumped by a Cancer Man? Or he Withdraws all his attention form you?
Well, as I told you above all Five Fingers are not the same in Length, Same as all Cancer Men are not the same. Maybe he doesn’t like you, he has done flirt with you or maybe he has seen something in you which you don’t have it.
There are Probably thousands of Reasons for Breaking up. So, let’s discuss some of them about why a Cancer Man breaks up generally.
- Fakeness in Relationship and disloyalty is the Main reason why he has dumped you so far.
- Realization of things and have a burden from Family and Society.
- He has dodged his Loyalty and Prefer someone better than you.
- You Hurt him, and you are continuously hurting him that’s lead to Breakup and he dumps you.
Where patching up with a Cancer Man after Break up completely depends upon the Reason of Breakup. If both Partner mutually agreed at some Point and accept each other agenda, then a Cancer Man can manage to come back.
How to Make a Cancer Man Miss You After Breakup?
Sometimes, in Anger, we make decisions that should not be taken and then feel Regret at that decision. So, if a girl thinks about how to make his Cancer Guy misses him then she wants him to come back in his life again.
But, One Question you can think about Should You chase a Cancer Man after Breaking up with him?
It completely depends upon some of these Factors.
- Your Intensity of Love.
- How much you are willing to want him in your life?
- The Reason for Breakup?
- Culture of your Society. This means there is Some Conservative Society which doesn’t allow you to chase a Man or Woman.
- Is he really Loves you or Not?
So, there are some hacks which you can do to make him miss you again and there is no Relation of Astrology and Zodiac Sign in it. You can apply these tricks to anyone. These are General hacks.
- Make Yourself a damn Beautiful Girl. Yes, Every man in this world is fond of Beauty, and when your Cancer Man will see your different good Look then he will be going to miss you Badly.
- Make his Friends your Friends on Social Media. It is quite possible he blocked you, but his friends aren’t blocked, so add them and they will be the best Source of telling about You.
- Now, remain happy in front of him and roam with your friends and be active on Social Media.
- Make new Male Friends so he gets Jealous of you.
- If you are Studying or Working, you must show Growth in your Work/ Study. You are wondering why? Because when he comes to know about your Success, he will think, “Whether I was the Reason, she was not Growing like this?”.
So, these are the basic things you can do to make your Cancer Guy misses you badly, even after breaking up and quite possible he will reach with a Sorry note for Hooking up with you and by applying these techniques you can win your Cancer Man back in your Life even if he was having Some grudge with you.
After doing all these Stuff, Will Cancer Can Contact Her Again? Yes, he will contact you by putting his Ego and Anger aside and chances are you have made your Cancer Man chase You. Now, it is up to you to accept him or Reject him.
Well, does he Miss you after Breakup? Well, this is the question you should ask yourself are you missing him or not? If yes then he could also miss you, if not then maybe he is not missing you.
There is no Straight Answer to this question. But you can Judge by his behavior.
How to Apologize to a Cancer Man?
An apology is an important thing as Respect. Well, some people believe that getting an apology is Skill. So, your keen desire is to make an Apology from the Cancer Man. So, if you follow these steps you will get it soon.
First, you must prepare yourself before asking. It mean if your inner self is not prepared then how you can make a Good Apology from him? You can not Perform well while apologizing if your Heart won’t give you Permission.
The Second thing you should prepare is to understand what he is Feeling Right now. If he does this what will be your Reaction? And what type of Apology you’ll accept? So, prepare yourself by thinking about you at that Place and then make grounds on these Facts.
The third thing is don’t be aggressive while apologizing. Means, don’t say this, “I feel sorry, but that was your Mistake too”. If you have a little bit of chance to get forgiven. Do like this in a Sarcastic Style, “I am Sorry, things were not good at that time, and I am a Bad Girl and don’t know what to tell, I am really sorry”. This might be the best way of getting an Apology from your Cancer Man.
The Fourth thing is you should take responsibility for your actions rather than blaming him. Look into his eyes and say, “I am sorry dear, I will try my best to not happen this again”. If you are saying sorry then you should mean it by Heart and Mind, not by tongue only.
The Fifth Thing is, allow him to take his time and tell what he wants to say, and you should listen completely before arguing. If you think he is saying Wrong, then correct him in a Lighter tone.
Okay, if you follow these Steps then chances are, he will forgive you and accept your Apology. He is not a Cruel Person and will forgive you if you mean it.
Best Match for Cancer Man
Cancer is a Cardinal Water Sign having Ruling Planet Moon. This Zodiac Sign usually behaves well with all the Water signs. So, by seeing their Natal Chart, Element, Quadruplicity, and Ruling Planet the Best Match and Most Compatible Sign for Marriage of a Cancer Man are Scorpio, Pisces, and another Cancer Woman.
- Cancer Man and Cancer Woman: Due to their Same element, they can Understand each other in Far better Way.
- Cancer Man and Pisces Woman: The Fish Sign Pisces is best for the Water Sign, as both are Compatible too in Element and understand each other’s emotions deeply.
- Cancer Man and Scorpio Woman: Both are Water signs and inherited to the same Species in terms of their Symbol. This can be the best match for Cancer Man for marriage.
Best Gifts Ideas for a Cancer Man
The Gift you Select for anyone Reflects your Personality.
If you are Selecting a Gift for a Cancer Man, then you should care about your Personality too. Where it Completely depends upon the Age of a Cancer Man.
So, some of the best Gift and Reason behind giving these Gift to the Cancer natives are as follows:
Gifts | Reason for Giving this Gift |
Plants with Beautiful Flowers | Because they are the Lover of Nature and will accept this gift by Soul. |
Cloths with Light Colors | Usually, Cancer Man likes Cloths but it shouldn’t be Shinny or Dark Colors. |
Books | It can be Motivational Books or Depends upon the Profession of a Cancer Man. |
Printed Mugs | They like to write their names on Everywhere and you can Make design of their Crab Sign too. |
Video Games | You can give them Video Games but it Should be Action games. |
Decoration Pieces | This can be the Best Choice for Cancer Man because they love to decorate their Homes. |
Cash | Yes, you can give them cash to buy whatever they want to buy from the Market. |
If you want a complete Gift Guide then Check here: Gift Ideas for Cancer Man.
I write this Article with the Passion of Researching Astrology and Zodiac Sign. Well, I have taken some help from these links too.
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