Basically, things getting worse to worst for a man, especially for Scorpio man after Breakup. You are thinking Why? Because Scorpio Personality is one of the complex and Wondering Personalities of all Zodiac Signs.
He is extremely Emotive and at the same time too Decisive too.
Table of Contents
The Truth About Scorpio Man After Breakup In 3 Minutes:
Here I will cover all the aspects of Scorpio man after Breakup. Read till the end you will get to know plenty of Information about Scorpio man’s Pre-Breakup and Post-Breakup Situation.
I have gathered Information through different Forums and Created Polls of Questions so I can provide the best Sum-up Piece of an article for you Guys. So, Let’s Started.
Before the Break-up Phase:
Although they are the most Loyal Partners you will find, and they will go to any extent to save the Relation with their Loved ones. But when a Scorpio decides to break-up, there is no Turning back.
There are Plenty of Reasons, he decides to do Breakup with you Like Bad Behaviors, Cheating on him, Unpredictable Anger, Unsupportive in his Life Goals and Loyalty issues are the common Reasons of Scorpians’ Breakup.
You should know that he has gone through enough to come to this and he has thought about this repeatedly. When he wants to break-up. You should probably preserve your Dignity and accept it.
If you can handle the thing in a Mature way, there just might be a chance you will keep in touch.

Post-Breakup Phase:
If the Scorpio decides to break-up, it won’t affect him much because he is already Unhappy over this for the last few months before coming to the Decision.
In his mind, he has already Broken up with you many times and a long time back so he will be much more stable.
The reason for telling this Late is because he might think he is having Misunderustaing or he was giving you Chances to become Straight with him. But at the end, he chooses to Breakup with you.

Read about how to make a Scorpio man miss you
Scorpio Man Heartbroken:
Somehow in Feelings, they are Stronger than other Zodiac Signs. Scorpio man smashes down after breaking up with her best girl.
So, when a Scorpio man passes through a breakup phase, they become demoralized, dishearten and develop more anger than patience.
But due to his will power, he took control over his feelings early. But in his Core Heart, he is still missing her Love of his Life, because he doesn’t want to hurt their best friends and family members. He knows better about hiding feelings under a smiley face.
Sometimes few Scorpio man decides to take revenge for their broken heart. It is not ethical to do so.
Believe me, Your Success is the biggest revenge for them who makes you a “Heartbroken”.
So, being a Friend or Caretaker, it is your keen duty to understand his covered feelings.
Keep close eyes on him, see his changing behavior and compare it when he was committed. Soon, you will realize how much he is alone in the world of billions of people.
Everyone in this world needs someone closer to them, whom they can share their feelings.
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Once, they will find you a helping person, they started sharing all the sorrows they are having lonely, and after spitting down their sorrow they will start getting better day by day.
When they are telling you their Heartbroken story it is on you to motivate them and bring back to their normal life. Usually, they don’t share their feelings with others but when they do share, they also listen to the advice from the listener.
So, do work on your goals and make yourself an independent man who cares 0% about what people are saying in front and talking behind you.
When she or someone who made you Heartbroken, see you Happy, Independent and Successful then you should see their gesture in front of you, you might feel that negative feeling in them.
This is how a Scorpio man handles Breakup easily.
Ignoring a Scorpio Man after Break up:
Ignoring is really one of the most annoying things in Relationships. (Whether a relationship is of any kind like Friends, Family or even Working relationship).
Ignoring after breaking up is the Natural thing, but the main thing is that ignoring a Scorpio man after breaking up with him is fairly a good or bad thing?
From Scorpio’s point of view, they do act stranger after being dumped.
Probably, they will block you from all their contact lists, Facebook and even can breaks contact with your friends too (depending upon the Intensity and spent time of your Relationship).
If they are working with you or studying with you, they will keep a distance from you and barely talk when communication is a must. Otherwise, they prefer to ignore you until the fire in their hearts becomes fade.
They are not too bad by Heart when finding their True-Life partner, then they behave normally with you (Maybe friendly), depending upon the interaction between the two.
From your point of view, if Scorpio man did break up with you, the same thing you should also do with them.
They don’t care about you if they dump you. So, if you want to remain with their friends, they welcome you, if you want to leave, they make space for leaving.
Scorpios’ Emotion:
Scorpios are usually very hard to Penetrate. They have a tough and sometimes a pale Exterior with huge waves of Emotions inside. They are good at hiding what they actually Feel and that what makes them the master of Disguise.
They are one of the Most Stable Zodiac Signs among all.
Scorpio’s Self-Esteem:
For a Scorpio, Self-Esteem and Trust is a big deal. They would do anything to preserve it and would take no time to turn their backs on People who break their Trust.

Do Scorpio Men in Love ever let you go?
Before coming to the letting go part let me tell you a few things.
Scorpio Guy:
Is still obsessed with her ex and hasn’t been able to get over her completely.
Is highly possessive! (asks his Partner to send him pics of her, confirming her location, hates it when she laughs and smile and talk/ interact with others – male.
Has severe Trust issues and is overly Secretive – doesn’t believe in accepting her as his Girlfriend publicly yet she is supposed to ensure his public image is not hampered due to their relationship.
Don’t trust a word of what she says, constantly doubts her once trust broke.
and the list can go on…
Now coming back to your question, the answer is NO.
Scorpio Man’s Belief in Love:
Scorpion men don’t believe in Loving, they believe in Possessing and Controlling. If they have gone through Innumerable Breakups but still haven’t Successfully gotten rid of each other.

Probable Reason of Breakup:
A reason why a girl doesn’t separate herself from him completely is
Scorpions are self-obsessed, they feel people around them can’t function without them and they make it a point to prove that time and again so that you fear to lose them.
When a Scorpio Man wants you Back:
One thing I want to confess that, Astrology gives an answer on General behavior, feelings, traits and maybe likes and dislikes of a Person.
Yes, but it can be extracted from Scorpio man’s behaviors. So, there should be plenty of things you guys are broken up.
It is not in traits of Scorpio man to break up on little fights or misunderstanding. Scorpio man is always clear with their feelings to someone else, they don’t have fake faces, generally.
So, if you have done nothing and he broke up with you then probably he has lost interest in you. But if he comes back again for you then some Pure dedication still glowing in his heart, that’s why he wants you to come again in his Life.

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What if Scorpio Man is Being Dumped?
If the Scorpio is being dumped, now this is where it gets interesting. Scorpio Man after Breakup will do these things.
After Dumped:
Since he is getting dumped, in his mind he is still with you and he still loves you. In this case, he will try his best to mend the relationship even though his partner has already made up her mind.
Emotional Intensity:
This is when you might be able to see flashes of his inner Emotional Intensity and you should know is it real. Once a Scorpio sets his mind on someone it is really hard for him to think about anyone else.
When he feels that it is a lost cause, he will try to diverge his attention to something else – maybe something constructive or terribly destructive.

Their Personality after Breakup:
This is when the Scorpio is at it is vulnerability to making the wrong decisions. If he survives this phase, you will find an altogether different person when you meet him the next time – calm, composed, diplomatic when he talks to you and a better human being.
He has learned from his mistakes and takes care of the leaks he might be having in his personality.
Will Scorpio Man come back after a Breakup?
It clearly depends upon the thing of Scorpio man; it is nothing to do with astrology.
You should ask a question from yourself why he has dumbed you? Whether you have done something wrong or something else? So, if he loves you, he surely comes back but if he doesn’t like you then there is no chance of coming him back.
If you dumbed a Scorpio man and now you think you are missing him badly and wants him back, then you should text him, call him or even meet with him.
When he will come, make your things clear with him, and apologize to him. It is better to bring a mediator with you.
Moreover, there are some things you should now remember to keep your relation safe and Sound.
- Give some personal space to both of you, because it is a basic right for a Person.
- Respect is the thing you should care about too much. Both should give respect to each other and do respect each other’s Relatives and Friends.
- Never do flirt with anyone.
- If you feel hurt just tell him/her before a tiny thing becomes huge.
- Better to do marriage than an open Relationship. When you have some kids, then the risk of breakup reduces to 90%.
What happens when you break up with a Scorpio woman?
It totally depends on how you break up with her and why.
For example, if you cheated, It would be leaving the relationship for good, burying it under the deepest dirt of the earth and you’re considered dead.
If you broke up in good terms, you just became a stranger with memories.

If she didn’t want to break up at first but you insisted, she would get angry but after a while, and realize that you’re not worth it and you would join the ‘dead’ list.
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When you see her on the street, she pretends you’re invisible. If you have enough guts to call her out, raise one of my eyebrows and say, ‘I’m sorry, do I know you?’
Why Scorpio Man Broke Up with Me?
Scorpio man are too serious about life and they are Straight forward people. They don’t like mind games, nor they want some gambling in their life.
It is up to you now and looks inside you whether you deceive them? Have you hurt them? If you found the answer just tell your Scorpion man to forgive you.
But if you don’t know what happens to him, everything is going is in the Right Direction. Then you should ask him directly why you broke up with me? And probably he will give you the best answer.
Is Leaving a Scorpio Man Alone good for Him?
To be honest, why this question came in your mind? Because he wants some space from you or from anyone.
Besides all the Zodiac Sign, anyone in this world (whether man or woman) can have some personal space from all.
But for a person who cares for him, it is difficult to give them space when you know the reason why he needs space.
But, if you are his girl/wife, it is better for you too to give your Scorpio man some space, because sometimes a man needs some time to overcome his personal things, and if care for him but give him complete space then after healing with his wound he will come to you with a Soul.
If you still feel stifles with him, then you should make him realize that you are here too in his Life. Now you should make him feel that you can’t take it anymore and make him take a step for you.
If he really needs you and wants to be your partner then he will come to you completely otherwise you will lose him, and it is better to let him go rather sticking with him because pride and self-respect are crucial things in life too.
What does a Scorpio Guy want from his Girl?
Working Tips about How to make your Scorpio man Miss you Badly
They Believes on Loyalty is Priority:
The first and most important thing is LOYALTY. A scorpion never trusts anyone and if he does, he does it passionately and wants the same from her.
When in a relationship with a Scorpio you can’t have a best friend with whom you can hang out in bars at night. You know about the jealousy of Scorpio.
If you are looking for a simple relationship you are with the wrong person. Scorpions are known for their Unpredictable Nature.
One day you are with him in a coffee shop and the next moment there is a band and a flower all over you with a romantic dinner. You will always be surprised in a relationship with Scorpions.

Don’t Dare to Tell a Lie:
Never ever lie to Scorpions. – There are two things a Scorpio hate quitting and lies. If you lie to a Scorpio, you are like standing on a volcano that can erupt anytime.
Always tell them the truth because they always know the truth. they can feel the fear and remorse in you once you lie.

Scorpions Hate Cheating:
Never Cheat a Scorpio. – Until unless you are fed up with your life and you don’t want to live anymore.
Go on mess with a Scorpio. Otherwise, never cheat. If you want a breakup, make it a mutual one always with a Scorpio.
You can’t just walk out of a relationship with a Scorpio. If you know or not but when in danger Scorpion sting itself to save itself from getting caught.
So, does we when someone messes with us it’s among the last moment of their happy life. We never forget nor forgive.
How can I, as a Scorpio, get through a breakup and move on with my life?
Below is the first result for a Scorpio when I Google it:
Scorpios are usually Known through their calm and cool nature, and by means of their mysterious appearance. Although People frequently say that Scorpio-born is fierce, probably because they understand very well the Pretty Rules of the universe. some Scorpion can look older than they really are.
The revival of Scorpio Man after Breakup:
Provided that you agree with this, it is relatively straight forward as to how to move on especially as a Scorpio Man after Breakup.
Although you are Fierce and Passionate beings, you understand the Rules of the Universe which means you know that nothing lasts forever which means you had this in the back of your head that this Relationship may/may not work.
Also, since you are naturally calm, all the major Emotional outbursts would be at the Minimum if at all. If anything, being a Scorpio should make your path to normal life Easier.

Can a Scorpio Man get Back Together with a Scorpio Woman?
According to one of the Female Scorpion Quora’s Users:
As a Scorpio woman most happily married to a Scorpio man for almost 15 years, I would have to only answer due to our Views. Astrology doesn’t exactly dictate things like this ~Quora User Experience
If the reason was Unfaithfulness?
No way.
The great thing about being married to a Scorpio is immense Loyalty and it’s a huge issue. We are both Jealous people innately which actually works.
Two Aquarian would think us probably stifling but we love going out with each other more than anyone else. Both of us individually are very Strong type personalities and don’t suffer fools gladly.
It’s like having your best ally and friend in the world understand you better than anyone else can come close to.
If the breakup had to do with untruthfulness, not good there either. Trust and loyalty are EVERYTHING.
I can’t imagine being with anyone else and neither can he (going on 15 years). But we’ve discussed it, if either one of us was unfaithful or true.
They wouldn’t be the person we thought they were. Hence, a breakup. its just understood but not worried about.
I wish you luck. If the break up was due to a silly argument where neither would give in I would give you a chance. I respect when someone can hold their own against me and not cave. That takes balls. Scorpio balls. 😉
Also, it depends on if we are dealing with evolved Scorpios. This sign has a big propensity for bad things if it does not strive to be the best it can be. We consciously try to be the highest level of Scorpio possible.
It’s the only sign with multiple symbologies. Aim to be the Eagle or even Phoenix. by the way, if they break up happened for reasons that indicate either partner is one of “those” lower Scorpios? RUN.
Best of Luck
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