Cancer Man is a Water Sign and considered one of the humblest signs among all Zodiac Signs. So, he will forgive you or not, it depends on the Situation about what you have done with him?
If you have made a tiny Mistake with no Devil Thoughts then he will Forgive you the next day without demanding any Apology, and he will behave like, nothing has happened last Evening.
Normally, due to his Kind-Hearted Nature, he will Forgive you after listening to your thoughts and intensity of Apology.
Then he takes your test and after testing you, he will make his relationship back with you, whether it’s a working relationship or Love Relationship.
Well, by seeing his Traits, Planet and Personality, it can take time to overcome his Anger over you. But quietly he will observe you, and if you pass all the tests then he will surely do completely trust on You.
But if you have done something too much wrong that shouldn’t people do often then Probably after making your Apology, he can forgive you, but he will never trust you again and never going to meet you nor remains any Relation left with you.
Moreover, this rule of Cancer Man about forgiving is applied to all People without any Gender Discrimination.
Whether, Mistaker is a Guy or Girl, he will behave same with both Gender.
But this Rule is not for their Superior Family members Like Mom, Dad, and other Superior Relatives.
He will never demand Apology from his Father, especially from his mother, if she made any mistakes.
Rather he will ask her in a Polite way like this, “Mom, I am sorry to say, but your Words hurt me, please next time I will be very happy if you don’t do this next time. Pardon me if my words hurt You, love you.”
He will never let his Mom down because usually, Cancer Guys love their Mom most.
But, if you are his Siblings, then he needs a Simple Apology from you.
So, ethically it is not Good to Hurt someone Feelings.
I know, we are Human and it is the destiny of Human beings to made mistakes.
But the Real and Dignified Human beings are those who take Step back and accept their Mistakes and ask for a Pardon.
Believe me, you will satisfy by heart and your Soul will become Purer than before after winning Heart of your Friend, Especially Cancer Friend.
Best of Luck!

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