Capricorn Man is a Cardinal Earth Sign having Saturn as a Ruling Planet in it. Where Capricorn Men are one of the Hardest Men to Obsessed with you. Because he is Shy, Reserved and Optimistic about Love and never falls in love easily. So, let’s discuss some of the Workable techniques about how to make a Capricorn Man obsessed with you.
Table of Contents
Love Your Family:
The Capricorn Man is too obsessed with their Family and he never Compromises on Family. So, if you want to make him Seduce and make him obsessed with you than you should first Love your Family.
Loving your Family is not a big deal, everyone does. But if you don’t Love and Care about your Family then how will you Love your Partner’s Family? So, he will be gone Crazy if he is observing you take care of your Family.
Capricorn Man won’t like you if you won’t Jaunt with Your own Family.
And in the meanwhile, he started to Stalk you and want you in his life, because you are now the Perfect Gem for him because he always needs that type of Partner who loves him and loves his family.
Treating His Family:
Now, you are doing well with your Family now its time to make some Space in his Family.
So, you have made the Habit of Serving your Family. When you are with him and you got the opportunity of meeting with his Family. Then you can ignore him and spend time with his family so that his family will remember you in Golden words.
The question is how you can make Room in his Family’s Heart? By imagining his Family as Yours’s and treat his Family like you are treating Your Family. Work for them, talk to them you can make delicious Food for your Capricorn Man’s Family.
Maye, results are not seen immediately but when he is Planning to do Marriage then he will surely think about you because you have made an obsession in his mind about you.
His Mother always wants that Girl for her Son, who has a Pretty Heart and Pure Soul.
Pointing Out His Family Flaws:
Well, Every Person or you can Say Every living being has in this world has some flaws in it too. But in pointing out these Flaws is the thing you should care about.
At initial days, when you are making him obsessed about you, then you shouldn’t point his Family mistakes in front of him.
Why? Because you are at the initial phase of making him like you, and when you point his Family flaws then it is not a desirable thing to share with him.
Yes, there are ways of telling this like, “I like your Family, but I think that’s I was not supposed to do with anyone, but it’s okay I’ll manage things easily in Future”. So, by telling things in this way you will tell your Matter.
Where Capricorn Guys are too Simple and if you manage all things in a Lighter way then he will find a Solution so, you won’t get any difficulty next time.
So, treating Flaws in this manner can boost your Respect in his Mind and Ultimately you will dominate on his Heart and Mind.
Show Some Stability:
Capricorn is an Earth Sign and he believes in the Stability of things and believes on Long term Results. He will become obsessed for you if you show him some Stability in your Plans, Behavior, and your keen Goals of Life.
When he will see you doing Hard work and you know to remain Steady on your Decisions without Flicking or distracted then he can become your Fan because his Nature is Similar to yours.
Capricorn Man doesn’t like any girl who doesn’t care about his Future. Yes, if you become mad at him to do Nothing for survival in Life then you got nothing because he needs that girl who is Stable and knows how to Fight in Life and achieve things.
Moreover, it is not a problem if you are Struggling in Life. All you have is ambitious in life and he will help you in growing.
One more thing, you should stick to your Words, if you say something and do another thing then chances are you won’t make him like you and forget he will ever be obsessed with you.
So, Pro-tip. Say Things you can Do.
Favor his Ambitious:
Well, in Life everyone needs Support, same as Capricorn Man needs Moral, Social, Emotional and some time needs Financial support too.
So, if you care for him like a family member and do whatever your limits are, to make him Successful and Respect his Ambitious then he will make you his dream Girl.
So, respecting other’s Perspectives and Support to others can mild their Attentions towards you. Where he will like you more if you are still working on your Ambitions too.
Be Gentle and Sophisticated:
The last tip for you is to become Gentle, Kind-hearted and Sweet-tempered with a Capricorn man. Every living being in this Universe wants Love and Human is craved for this Love, Respect and Admiration.
Well, if you think he has something wrong then you should never Embrace in Public. You should deal with him Privately.
So, by doing all the Stuff, you can manage to make him obsessed over you.
I have gathered Information from Surfing Astrology and Zodiac Forums, and I have got a lot of o Information from this Link:

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