Before Starting Best and Lucky Stones for Gemini, let’s discuss some Positive and Negative Traits of this Zodiac Sign, So, you can compare and Select best Gemstone for Gemini Sign.
Gemini is a Mutable Air Sign with having Mercury as a Ruling Planet. According to their Birth Chart, this Ruling Planet has plenty of effects on their Life, like they are intellectual People with brilliant Communication Skills.
Being an Airy and Mutable Sign, they are Social People having adaptive nature and can be easily molded with People of different hectic Minds. They are Smart and Funny and knows how to engage People with their Excellent Analytical Skills. Moreover, you can say them Allrounder.
Like all other Zodiac Signs, they have some negative traits too like, due to their appealing nature sometimes they become too Superficial while in the deep self they become depressive and don’t discuss their Problem with their Loved ones.
Another Lack in their Personality is that they are most of the time bad at taking Right Decisions on the Right time because they think they are Over Smart but actually they aren’t. Actually no one is perfect, it is time that makes someone Expert in the respective Field.
So, Astrologers believe by seeing their Natal Birth Chart, Planet Mercury, Element of Air, and Impact of their Positive and Negative Traits on their Zodiac Sign, the Best and Lucky Birth Gemstone for Mutable Gemini Sign is Emerald.
The Emerald Stone is associated with Mercury, and it inherits all the Positive Energy from mercury and passes on to Air-Mercury Zodiac Sign Gemini.
This Gemstone can be worn by both Gemini Man and Woman.
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Benefits of Wearing Emerald Stone for Gemini
- To bring Prosperity in Life by evoking Creativity and Personal Skills.
- Gemini usually best at Communication Skills but this Stone enhanced their way of Talking, Behaving and Convincing Power.
- By wearing that Stone, Fortune of a Gemini can go to One Step ahead than before.
- It helps to overcome Nightmare issues.
- The Green Gemstone Emerald is could be best for those Gemini who is Shy. It gives them the Courage to Speak and Stand on their Instance.
What is the Connection Between Gemstone and Gemini?
Some People want to know what is the core Connection between Zodiac Signs and Gemstones? To understand the Relation between them you must understand this Example:
We live under the Sun on Earth if You consider Earth as a Stone, and Sun as a Ruling Planet, then you can easily find out Without Sun, Earth is nowhere. Similarly, The Sun has Some Rays which directly affect Sun and Human, and these Rays can’t be seen by naked eyes, but a Person can feel it.
Same as above there are thousands of Rays which are best and Beneficial for Zodiac Signs, So, Considering,
- Gemini as a Zodiac Sign and as a Human.
- Emerald is a stone that can be Consider as Earth.
- Mercury as a Ruling Plant and could be considered as a Sun.
So, Mercury Planet has some Rays which can be caught by Emerald Stone because this Gemstone is inherited by Mercury Planet.
So, when a Zodiac Sign Gemini wears that Stone, all the Positive and Certain Rays from Mercury, surrounded by this Emerald Gemstone attracted to this Stone.
Finally, because Gemini is ruled by Planet Mercury, all these Positive Energies transferred to Gemini with the help of Particular Gemstone which Gemini Guy or Boy is wearing.
Moreover, there are other Gemstones which are Best and Lucky for Gemini Men and some other Gemstones Lucky for Gemini Women only.
Let’s discuss these Stones in Detail.
Best and Lucky Gemstone for Gemini Man
Gemini Man is Loving, Charming, Energetic and Committed and on the deep Side, he is Emotional, Sensitive and wants Love and Affection from the one whom he loves the most.
Due to Mutable Air Sign having Mercury as a Ruling Planet. So, the best and Lucky Gemstone for Gemini Men other than Emerald are Ruby and Alexandrite.
Ruby, the Maroon-Red Gemstone helps to improve Blood Circulation and decrease Anxiety and helps in becoming independent and improves provide that Positive Energy build Self Awareness.
Like Ruby, the Alexandrite Gemstone inherits most of the qualities related to Ruby like Improves Blood Circulation, decreases Depression and it can help you to get Fame if any Gemini Guy wants to become Famous.
These gemstones can work best if you do your Hard Work best. Because these Gemstones work as a Catalyst but not as a Source of doing Work. So, never rely on these Stones only.
Best and Lucky Gemstone for Gemini Woman
Gemini Woman is Caring, knows how to tackle a Person, Sometimes Innocent and Sometimes becomes Aggressive on Silly things. She loves to travel, and best at making Relationships close.
Gemini Girl doesn’t like to break Relations. She is the best Friend and Worst Enemy too. The Choice is Yours.
So, according to her Positive and Negative Traits, Ruling Planet Mercury, Mutable Quadruplicity and Element of Air in them, the best and Lucky Stone for Gemini Woman other than Emerald are Citrine, Pearl and White Sapphire.
The Yellow Gemstone Citrine helps in increasing Mental ability to do more work and helps you to make smart decisions. It can bring Happiness and Joy in your Life by eliminating Negative Energies in you.
The White Gemstone Pearl is best for making life Smooth and helps in making Relationships better with those you don’t want to leave. This soothing Stone is best to make a Gemini Girl Relax and Calm.
This White Sapphire is best for making a Gemini woman proud, relax and can Improve Self Esteem and helps in acquiring Fear.
Again, These Stones work as a Catalyst, not as Source.
You Should also consult your Astrologers if you are confused about wearing Gemstones.
Best of Luck.
References: I have gathered this Information from Researching, Internet Surfing and taking most of the help from these Sites: – From this Site, I have taken Help about Gemstones – From this Site, I have learned a lot of Information about Gemini.

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