Cancer Man is a Water Sign, having Moon as their Planet. He is a Kind-Hearted Guy having the best Feelings for all People without discrimination.
Definitely, Noone likes those Girls who make them a Tissue Paper, same as Cancer Man does. They are Selfless People with Imagination Power, beyond anyone else.
So, if you leave him, he will try hard all the Possibilities and once you break up with him, he will never come back because he has already lost his dignity over you.
Now, you have left him, there is no chance of coming him back towards you.
Usually, cancer Man is an Emotional Guy, and in every Relation, there are some ups and downs, but that not mean you will be going to break up with him.
He will try hard to keep you with him by behaving Emotionally, Aggressively or sometimes by blackmailing.
But if you choose to leave him and all the doors shut off then you should not wait for him, he will never come back, easily.
Moreover, you can try these tricks on him for making him come back after a Breakup like,
Make Long Distance with Cancer Man for Coming him Back
All you need to is, make a Long distance from him, and keep him alone and if you really love him, then never make a Second Boyfriend, because he can test you, whether you have the same feeling with him or not.
Why you should this? Because if you remain in front of his Eyes after having a Blasting Breakup, then how the hell he will miss you?
So, it is really important to disappear yourself, so he will miss you and want you to come back into his life again.
But it is not a guarantee he will return to you, but chances are he can come back if you never play any mind games with him, and keep yourself “Single” as much as you can.
Asking for Apology to Make Him Comeback
Well, the easiest way of making anyone Feel Proud is to make an Apology.
But, for Cancer Man, it is really hard to do so.
Why? Because, before the breakup, he will tell you all the consequences of leaving him, and from one of those Consequences, there might be not accepting your Apology after a breakup is one of those.
So, all you can do is try accepting your Mistakes and make a Pure Apology by heart and soul, and try you best but passing some months.
Because, they don’t forget their Ex Love easily, so probably he is waiting for your Apology.
Send Him Marriage Proposal
You can send him a Marriage Proposal if you truly love him, this can make your Cancer Man come back towards you.
Because he has already loved you a lot, and if he feels you are sincere and if he is still Single, then chances he will accept your Proposal, and you both guys can Enjoy a Wonderful Life.
Best of Luck!

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